Wake Up!
Romans 13:11-12 (NRSV)
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. you know what time it is, how it is now the moment for you to wake from
sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we became believers; 12 the
night is far gone, the day is near.
It is truly time to wake up as a
church. We have slept too long in a life of ease and complacency. There are dark
clouds rising and they are menacing the very freedom we have in Christ. Today,
we continue to look into what being “woke” really means. We will look at
something called Critical Race Theory or CRT and examine why the Christian church
should be all about defeating this tool that comes from the Devil himself.
CRT is a way of looking at reality
in which all people can be divided into two groups. They are the oppressor and
the oppressed. There are many ways one can be labeled an oppressor. In race for
example white people are all oppressors. It does not matter whether you are
actually actively oppressing people of color or not you are still the villain. There
is nothing you can really do to change your status as oppressor. Likewise for
gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and more categories of oppressors
are added frequently. I for example am a white, male, heterosexual, male
gendered person. Therefore, I am the oppressor in all these categories per CRT.
The oppressed are in the same
situation; to be a person of color, female, lesbian, non-binary. Means you are
doomed to be oppressed all of your life. There is nothing that you can do to
change your status.
Why should this system be repulsive
to those who call themselves Christian. The answer lies in what I have just
said. There is no way of escaping your categories. No matter what you do you
will always be either the oppressor or the oppressed. The system provides no
way of saving you from your alleged “sins”. You are doomed to live a life
determined by things outside your control without the hope of ever being
redeemed. There are at least two major problems with this outlook from a
Christian perspective.
One is that it judges people and
places them in groups from which they cannot escape. There is no room for
individuals in this system. It is a system designed to set people at odds with
each other and to constantly remind them of the fact that they are other from
those around them. The way of the cross brings each individual to a place of
choice either for the cross or against it. The individual is free to choose
which destiny they wish for themselves. And as long as they are alive and breathing,
they can change their mind and destiny.
The second issue that the Church
should have with CRT is that it eliminates the possibility of being redeemed.
You are locked into your role and can do nothing to change it. Jesus offers the
way of salvation and restoration to right standing before God. The Christian
has hope for a brighter future for themselves in Christ.
Lord, deliver your church from these
perilous times. Our salvation is indeed nearer than when we first believed. Help
us to lead lives that exemplify your love, forgiveness, mercy to the world. Show
the world your redemption and salvation through the people you have saved for
yourself. Let the church lead the way when it comes to showing forth the love
of Christ. In Jesus name we ask it. Amen.
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