The Lord Will Wait for You, No Matter What

Scripture: Isaiah 30:18 (NIV)

18 Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you;

Therefore, he will rise up to show you compassion.

For the Lord is a God of justice.

Blessed are all who wait for him!


    In our fast-paced world, waiting can be one of the hardest things we do. Whether it's waiting for a prayer to be answered, a season of life to change, or the manifestation of a promise from God, the waiting period can often feel unbearable.

    But Isaiah 30:18 offers us a different perspective on waiting. It tells us that God longs to be gracious, rise up, and show us compassion. The original Hebrew word for 'longs' in this verse is 'chakah,' which means 'to wait or to long for.' This word implies a deep, patient longing, not a restless or anxious waiting. So, God is waiting, too. He is waiting to show us His grace, compassion, and justice.

    This verse reminds us that our waiting is not in vain. It is not a passive, empty time, but a time filled with God's active presence. He is not idle in the waiting, but actively working, shaping, refining, and preparing us for what's to come.

    So, let's take heart and find joy in the waiting. For our God is a God of justice, and blessed are all who wait for Him. Our waiting is not a burden but an act of faith, a demonstration of our trust in God's timing and perfect plan for our lives. And in His perfect time, He will rise to show us His compassion and grace, filling us with hope and encouragement.

    So, let's wait upon the Lord with hopeful expectation, knowing He is faithful to His promises. For the Lord longs to be gracious to us, and blessed are all who wait for Him. This promise of His grace and the blessing of waiting for Him is a source of hope and encouragement, filling us with anticipation for the good things He has in store for us in our faith journey.


            Lord, we come to you today to give thanks. You always look for opportunities to show us your forgiveness, compassion, and steadfast love. The psalmist says, “Be still and know I am God.” Let that be our prayer. May we be still and wait for the good things you have promised us here in Isaiah. You are a good and gracious God, overlooking our faults and blessing us despite our failures. Amen.


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