Lord, Bring Us a Daniel

Scripture: Daniel 6:4 (HCSB)

The administrators and satraps, therefore, kept trying to find a charge against Daniel regarding the kingdom. But they could find no charge or corruption, for he was trustworthy, and no negligence or corruption was found in him.


What does it take to be trustworthy? How can we live with integrity in a world full of corruption and deceit? These are some of the questions whose answers we can learn from the example of Daniel, a faithful servant of God who faced many challenges and trials in his life, yet remained steadfast in his faith and integrity.

Daniel 6:4 tells us that they could find no charge or corruption in Daniel, for he was trustworthy, and no negligence or corruption was found in him. This verse shows us the remarkable character of Daniel, who lived with honesty, diligence, and faithfulness in all his affairs. He did not compromise his principles or values, even when faced with a life-threatening situation. He did not fear man, but feared God and obeyed Him.

How can we emulate Daniel's example in our own lives? How can we be trustworthy people who honor God and serve others with integrity? Here are some practical steps that we can take, empowering us to live a life of faith and integrity:

- Pray regularly and seek God's guidance and strength. Daniel prayed three times a day, not as a ritual but as a way of communicating with God and depending on Him. Prayer is our direct line to God, helping us align our hearts and minds with His will and receive His grace and power to overcome temptations and challenges.

- Study God's word and apply it to our lives. Daniel was well-versed in the Scriptures and knew God's promises and commands. He also followed God's instructions and kept His laws, even when they contradicted the laws of the land. God's word is our source of truth and wisdom, teaching us to live according to God's standards and values.

- Work diligently and faithfully in whatever we do. Daniel was excellent in his work and fulfilled his duties with competence and responsibility. He did not slack off or cut corners, but gave his best effort and produced quality results. He also did not take advantage of his position or abuse his authority, but used it for the good of others. Whatever we do, whether in our studies, jobs, or ministries, we should do it as unto the Lord and not to men, and seek to glorify God and bless others with our gifts and talents.

- Stand firm and courageous in our faith. Daniel did not hide or deny his faith, but openly expressed it and lived it out. He did not bow down to the idols or false gods of Babylon, but worshiped the one true God. He did not conform to the culture or the pressure of the world, but transformed it with his testimony and influence. He did not give in to fear or compromise.


            Lord, you blessed the Babylonians with Daniel’s life and service. Please help us to be or seek leaders in our own time and place—leaders like Daniel. May we find men and women who follow you humbly and courageously and are not swayed by worldly influences to seek power, prestige, or financial benefit. Help our nation to be the city on the hill that our founders wanted it to be. Save us from ourselves by the blood of Jesus on the cross. Amen.


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