To Be or Not To Be

 To Live is Christ

Scripture: Philippians 1:21-24 (NIV)

For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. 22 If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! 23 I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; 24 but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body


            Today, we come to a challenging scripture from Paul. It is perhaps not too difficult to understand if we take a moment and reflect on what Paul is really saying in this passage. Just what did Paul mean when he said to live is Christ and to die is gain? In our modern world most of us would never say these words. For us living is better than dying. This way of thinking shows just how far we have fallen since this scripture was written.

            Our entire medical culture is set up to keep us alive in our bodies as long as practically possible. We must ask ourselves what is it that Paul sees in death that so attracts him to it. Have we in our modern era really jettisoned the idea that life after death might be better than this life. Of course, most Christians probably would affirm that life in heaven is a good thing. How do we actually live though? Perhaps the answer lies in the way we treated life during the recent pandemic.

            During the pandemic we saw all sorts of strategies designed to keep us alive in our bodies. We called those healthcare workers who dealt with the ill and dying as true heroes. (And they were truly heroes.) While the vast majority of us stayed holed up in our homes, wearing masks, washing hands, and keeping our distance from others. Those of us who are Christians mostly obeyed orders from the government to stop meeting in person and moved to online worship instead. We learned to be obedient to our fears. We forgot the words of the Apostle John “perfect love casts out fear.”

            Paul, however, teaches us in this scripture, that we can be fearless in the face of death. Paul’s main point here is simply this. That it is better to be alive or dead in the presence of Christ than it is to be alive or dead without him. For to live with Christ is profitable in many ways. One can rejoice in the presence of God among the living. However, to be dead in Christ is far better in that we will be in the immediate presence of the one who loves us and gave his very life for us.

            So, Paul is torn. Life or death are both good options because he knows he will spend eternity with Christ either way. What about us? Which do we prefer and why? I pray that we will examine our hearts today so that we can say with Paul “to live is Christ and to die is gain.”


            Jesus help us to come to know you so well that we would be content to live or die if we have you as our Lord and Savior. Keep us from fear. Lead us in your perfect love to an eternity with you. May all who see us be aware of the courage we have in living our lives in obedience to you. Be with us dear God that whether you would allow us to live, or call us home to be with you, we would be full of rejoicing in your love for us. Amen.


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