
Scripture: Deuteronomy 30:19-20 (ESV)

19 I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore, choose life, that you and your offspring may live, 20 loving the Lord your God, obeying his voice, and holding fast to him, for he is your life and length of days. . .


            Here in his final address to the nation of Israel, Moses communicates God’s desire for them to choose God and therefore life so that all might go well with them in the land they are about to enter. What relevance could this speech have on the Lord’s people today? Plenty is the short answer. Even though God has sent someone infinitely greater than Moses to be our messiah the basic message still applies.

            Each and everyday we are given a choice to live for Jesus or to live according to the world, our flesh, and the devil’s deceits. The Israelites had but a glimpse of the glory that has been revealed to us through the person and work of Jesus on our behalf. How shall we escape judgement if we ignore the great salvation the Lord has revealed to us? The nation of Israel had not known their God all that long compared to us. Although they saw mighty signs and miracles performed by God’s hand, they still were unsure of this “new” God of theirs.

            We Christians are no different really. Although we have seen sign after sign and wonder after wonder performed by our God. Up to and including raising Jesus from the dead to reign in heaven forever at the Father’s right hand. We still doubt God. Ever since Eve listened to the serpent in the garden, we pay attention to the enemy of our souls as he tries to distract us from God’s goodness and truth. We pick out the Apostle Thomas and call him doubting Thomas because of his initial reaction to the disciple's story of Jesus’ upper room visit. We, I say, are not all that different from him.

            Let us, therefore, always seek to choose life. Remembering in choosing life we are choosing the life giver. Satan and his minions have never given life to anything or anyone. They cannot, in fact, do so. In the Garden of Eden, after God formed a man and a woman from the dust of the ground, He breathed the breath of life into them. That same breath that we breathe everyday hardly giving the Breath-Giver any thought at all. Let us give thanks to our Life-Giving, Breath-Giving God right now.


            Lord as Moses did for the chosen people so long ago, let us declare to our world the choice between life and death. Help us to realize that you are the giver of every breath we take and be thankful to you for that breath. Let us glorify your name and proclaim it to all the nations of the earth. Our God reigns supreme over the universe. Glory be to God! Amen.


  1. In Jesus Mighty Name Amen 🙏🏼 Hi 👋 This Jason Chavez Please Save My Family Jesus Help Us To Forgive Those That We Wronged And Wronged Us In Jesus Mighty Name Amen 🙏🏼


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