Christ is Our All in All


Scripture: Colossians 3:11 (ESV)

11 Here there is not Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free; but Christ is all, and in all.


            Paul leads off this year's scriptures with a reminder of our status in Christ as one body. Our world today seeks to put labels on everyone. (White, Black, Gay, Straight, Cis gender. Transgender). The list of identities is huge and growing daily. Christ did not come to divide us but to unite us as one people saved by his shed blood on the cross. Humans, however, resist being one group. There is in our fallen sin nature the desire to be free to do and be what we like.

            Because of our bent toward sinning in this regard we are tearing at the very fabric that holds our civilization together. You can see it in our politics, even unfortunately in our churches. How do we solve this problem of division in our nation and our world? There is no solution to be found among human made solutions. Through our own efforts we may bring about some temporary relief from the madness and chaos we see around us. But the ultimate answer is not in human scheming.

            To start off the new year as we seek to bring more peace and health to our relationships among humankind, we must look to the one who died to make us whole. Repent is a word that has fallen out of favor in the church these days. But is precisely what the world needs to do in order to be restored to wholeness in Christ. We must admit that we each have added to this sin of division that is bringing this present darkness over all the earth. Turning from our sinful ways is our only hope for humankind.

            Therefore, let us confess our sinful thoughts and actions to our loving God who desires to see us walk in the way of his righteousness today. And having confessed our sin in this matter ask God’s help to turn away from the ways of division and strife and seek to live in love and harmony with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Let us acknowledge that Christ is all and in all. We should live in light of the fact that we are saved and delivered from the sinful paths we were on. We should give praise to our Father in heaven.


            Lord God almighty, we come to you admitting our many faults and failures. Especially our tragic love of division and hatred for those who are different to us that exists in our world today. Help us to hear the good news that we have salvation and deliverance from our sins through the work of Jesus on the cross for us. And hearing this good news to act on it showing heartfelt and abiding love for those we considered our enemies. May your love O God overcome the evil and division we see in our world today. Amen.


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