Jesus Prays for Us

Scripture: Hebrews 9:24 (ESV)

24 For Christ has entered, not into holy places made with hands, which are copies of the true things, but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God on our behalf


            We have been pondering the wonders of prayer over the last few blog posts and we continue to reflect on prayer today. Prayer is an inexhaustible topic. So much of the scripture is about prayer it is hard to avoid. If you are an average Christian like me, you probably do not spend too much effort into understanding the intricacies of prayer. It is something we often approach as a rote exercise. We do it because we were trained since we were children to say our prayers. Yet behind the scenes, just hidden from our view there is activity. Warfare really going on between Jesus and the forces of the heavenly army and Satan and his demons.

            Today’s scripture pulls back that curtain ever so slightly to give us a glimpse of what Jesus does with our prayers. We are taught that Jesus enters the throne room of God. In the holy of holies, he stands in the presence of God our Father. What does he bring with him into the holy place? What is his purpose for being there in God’s presence?

            Christ comes into the holy place as a perfect sacrifice on our behalf. He brings with him all the prayers of the saints and presents them as an offering to God. Unlike earthly priests who have to repeat sacrifices and offering day after day, month after month and year after year. Jesus appears before the Father only once and remains there forever. Christ has given the last measure of devotion to save people from their sins. So, the Father has accepted his perfect sacrifice once and for all humankind.

            Therefore, the Father loves the Son and receives Christ’s sacrifice gladly and acquits those who love the Son from all their guilt and declares them holy. Christ never leaves the presence of God. He is there continually offering up the prayers of the saints to the Father that each prayer may get an answer in full. Christ never fails us. Satan views this activity of Christ as an act of warfare against his kingdom. Satan seeks to do everything in his power to keep the saints from praying and if possible, deceive the faithful into believing that their prayers are not being heard in heaven.

            We would rather not think of what must go on for our prayers to be heard in heaven. But we must always be keenly aware that prayer is spiritual warfare. We, Christians, are front line soldiers in the battle to establish the Kingdom of God here on earth. Each time we pray for “God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.” We are marking out territory for God that Satan does not want to give up. Resistance is to be expected and even welcomed. Let us fill the throne room with our prayers.


            Heavenly Father thank you for sending your son to save us from our sin. We take courage from Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. We are certain of your love for us, and we know that you are helping us to be victorious in our battle with sin. Train us to be good soldiers in the war that rages in the heavenlies and here on earth for the souls and lives of each one of us. Give us courage to fight the good fight that we may run the race of life victoriously. Amen.


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