Our Salvation

Scripture: Titus 3:4-7 (NLT)

But—When God our Savior revealed his kindness and love, he saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He washed away our sins, giving us a new birth and new life through the Holy Spirit. He generously poured out the Spirit upon us through Jesus Christ our Savior. Because of his grace he made us right in his sight and gave us confidence that we will inherit eternal life.


            Here are the words of Paul to his co-worker Titus. These words confirm the promises made throughout the New Testament. God loves us, so much that he gave his only to die for us that we might experience eternal life through him. Paul seems to make it a point to drive home the gospel wherever he preaches and to whomever he preaches to.

            This promise of the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting we Christians in the 21st century need to hear this promise repeated over and over again. In the world in which we live the gospel is very much disrespected. People have accumulated enough toys and material objects that they think the gospel is no longer needed. The people of the world either believe that science will save us, so we do not need a savior, or that the worlds going to be consumed by global warming so what use is God.

            Paul’s brief letter to Titus reaffirms the Christian belief that God is in control of all things. God wants to reach out and save as many people as he can. God has empowered each believer with his Holy Spirit so that we can reach out to our neighbor, co-worker, or our friend with the good news that Jesus saves. Our enemy, the devil, stands in our way seeking to lead people astray. The devil either seeks to make people overconfident or depressed about the state of the world. The Devil seeks to make all people doubt the goodness and faithfulness of God.

            The words of this scripture are meant to give us confidence in the goodness and faithfulness of God. Believing in Jesus and following him everyday are the keys to eternal life. The enemy of our souls seeks always to undermine our confidence in God and his word. His plan has not changed since he tricked Eve in the garden of Eden. Get the humans to doubt that God is really good and has their best interest in mind and cause them to sin.

            We must not be led astray by the Devil’s lies. Follow Paul’s advice here in Titus and cling to Jesus as our Savior.


            Holy Father, we come to you as little children today. We confess that we have followed too often the ways of the enemy of our souls. We doubt your goodness towards us. Continue to remind us through your word of your love for us. May you dispel all doubts we harbor in our hearts. Thank you for sending your Son Jesus to save us from our sin. Keep us from believing the lies of the enemy. To God be all glory in heaven and on earth. Amen.


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