God is My Salvation


Scripture: Habakkuk 3:17-19a (NLT)

17 Even though the fig trees have no blossoms,

and there are no grapes on the vines;

even though the olive crop fails,

and the fields lie empty and barren;

even though the flocks die in the fields,

and the cattle barns are empty,

18 yet I will rejoice in the Lord!

I will be joyful in the God of my salvation!

19 The Sovereign Lord is my strength!



            Today’s devotion is dedicated to those who have been dealt an unkind hand in the game of life. The prophet in these verses is unhooking the concept of blessedness from material blessings. He sees much to be concerned about but remains hopeful in the Lord and his deliverance. I do not have the kind of faith the prophet proclaims in these verses. If in my own life I have some sense of lack or deprivation I will complain to the Lord, loudly and often. So, what is the prophet’s secret to his contentment when life is against him?

            Well, if we had read the verses preceding the ones presented here, we would have seen that the prophet indeed did bring his complaints to the Lord. In fact, the book of Habakkuk is full of the prophet’s complaints to the Lord. It is good to know that regardless of how badly life seems to be treating us our God is big and strong enough to bear with our complaints. Indeed, he receives them gladly. The secret to this doxology of praise that comes at the very end of the book is the prophet’s ability to see beyond his current deprivation and into his eternal future with God.

            What the prophet knew, and we seem to always forget is that God is the only source of our salvation. As the Apostle John would declare centuries later that “God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son into the world to save the world.” We forget that we are loved by the eternal God who made the universe. In our forgetfulness we cease to be able to see past our own immediate circumstances and see the big picture of God’s unfailing love for us as creatures made in His own image.

            We too, can learn to praise God in the hard times. When we are tempted to despair and lose all hope for the future God is there ready to offer His salvation to us for free. Our ultimate hope cost God greatly, therefore we can be assured of his provision for our lives no matter what our economic, emotional, or spiritual balance sheet looks like. With God there is always the hope of our ultimate redemption and salvation. No devil from hell can steal that from us. The Lord will provide.


            Lord, lift our eyes to see past our current circumstances so that we might behold the great salvation you have provided for us. Be our strength Lord when we are weak. Uphold us when the trials of life seem to great for us to bear. Let us learn to trust in you for our daily bread. Thank you that you care so much for us that you sent Jesus to pay our debt to you. One that we could never pay for on our own. Amen


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