Our Hope of Glory


Scripture: Colossians 1:25-27 (NIV)

I have become its servant by the commission God gave me to present to you the word of God in its fullness—26 the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations but is now disclosed to the Lord’s people. 27 To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.


            Here Paul introduces himself to the Colossians as one who has become a servant to them by God’s commission. Today, many Christian leaders no longer seek to be servants of God’s people but lords over them. We have seen repeated failures of high-profile Christians because of this very issue. Those who seek leadership roles must be servant leaders. Ready to lay down their very lives if necessary to protect the flock God has given them to watch over.

            Paul goes on to say that he has been instructed to proclaim to all the churches, but especially this one at Colossae the mysteries of God that were hidden from the world. That the salvation belongs now not only to believing Jews but to Gentiles as well. Christ has indeed come to dwell not only with His people but within them. A new level of intimacy is possible between God and his people through the gifting of the Holy Spirit.

            What glorious news for all the world! Our creator whom we disrespected and whose word we rejected in the Garden of Eden has given us a second chance to know him intimately. Jesus Christ can dwell within us if we will only invite him in. The power of the Holy Spirit can dwell within us to lead us into the depth of God’s love for us and our fellow man. This power is available for all who will ask for it, Jew, and Gentile alike. Let us therefore, praise God from whom all these blessings flow.


            Thank you, Lord, for sending your servant Paul with the mission to bring us the message of the gospel. We rejoice in the fact you have given your Son to pay for our sinful rejection of you and your ways. Lead us into the world to preach this good news and make disciples of all nations and ethnic groups for your kingdom. May we bring the light and life of Jesus to the world because he is our hope of glory in the kingdom. Amen.


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