We Bear Each Other’s Burdens


Scripture: Galatians 6:2 (ESV)

Bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.


            Americans have always prided themselves on their independence. We claim to be a nation of self-made men and women who can pull ourselves up by our bootstraps if the occasion warrants. However, Paul, in this verse and the verses that surround it, proclaims that the Christian life is not a solitary journey but a community affair. When we see a brother stumble and fall under the load they bear, we are not just obligated, but we are called to render aid out of a genuine desire to help. In the same way, we are to accept aid graciously when difficulties befall us, not as a sign of weakness but as a testament to our humility and trust in our fellow believers, strengthening the bonds of our community.

            Even our Lord Jesus allowed Simon of Cyrene to carry His cross to the hill of crucifixion. On that same cross, Jesus became the ultimate burden bearer. On that cross, Jesus took all the sins of the world for all time and bled and died in our place. While we cannot repeat Christ’s suffering, we can offer what aid we can to our neighbor who has stumbled. Our assistance given to a neighbor in need, Paul says, fulfills the law of Christ, and your role in this fulfillment is invaluable, making you an integral part of the Christian community.

            The act of giving and receiving aid in burden-bearing may challenge our individualistic culture. Still, it is a fundamental requirement for those who profess Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Embrace the discipline of burden-bearing, and you will discover a profound joy in the process. Let us, therefore, open our hearts to one another, giving and receiving aid with cheerfulness and grace in the name of Jesus. In doing so, we bring honor and glory to the name of Jesus Christ. All Christians are called to follow Jesus and be burden-bearers for Christ.

            These words, written 2,000 years ago by the apostle Paul, still apply to our modern situation. Like all words of scripture, they are timeless in their application to our lives. Therefore, let us be open to opportunities to serve others this way and not be shy about asking for help when needed. The church will grow when we practice these things because they cannot be hidden from our world’s view. Our world routinely lets people created in God’s image and likeness fall through the cracks and suffer and even die of neglect. Let the church be where these unfortunate people find help and solace. Let us pray.


            Lord, help us to be faithful servants of yours. Let us bear each other's burdens with grace and joy. May the watching world see in us a model of Christ-like love in the way we take care of our own and those who need help in society in general. May we glorify Jesus Christ as our source and model for this behavior toward each other. Teach us the way you want us to go. Please help us to live lives of service and sacrifice to the glory of your Holy Name. Amen.


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