Perfect Love

Scripture: 1 John 4:18 (ESV)

18 There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.


            This scripture proclaims a truth that is not just relevant, but crucial in today’s culture. If there is one quality that is desperately needed in America today, it is true biblical love. We seem to have forgotten how to love and trust one another. Such love and trust are not just the glue that holds society together, but the very foundation on which it stands. This decay of love for one another has occurred gradually over many years. The Covid pandemic really accelerated this loss by instilling fear and caution in our interactions, telling us that every person we met was a potential carrier of the disease and should be avoided.

            Fear drove us to extraordinary lengths to avoid social interactions. It kept us in our tight bubbles, which we hoped would keep us safe from sickness. Now that Covid is less of a concern, many of us are still unwilling to join society, fearing exposure to the disease. This situation has affected all corners of society. Particularly in the church, we were told that church gatherings would spread the disease, and this kept many away from in-person attendance or any attendance at all. That, of course, is not the only reason church attendance has declined since Covid, but it certainly has contributed to it.

            Montaigne said, and Francis Bacon popularized the saying, “We have nothing to fear but fear itself.” Today, we need to embrace this maxim more than ever. The Bible makes clear that we are to fear God and nothing else. It also commands us to love others, a commandment that is repeated too many times to count. If we truly love our neighbors, we will not be fearful of them. Jesus lived His life without fear of anything. Death on the cross held no terror for him because he knew the Father was trustworthy and loved Him enough to bring Him back from the grave. Let us, too, strive to live a life of love and trust, inspired by His example.

            Believers today can trust in that same love to keep them no matter what is happening to them. God’s love is a great comfort in times of distress and the uncertainties of life. The threat of punishment for our sins is gone if we trust in Christ as our savior. It isn't easy to live in this truth, but that is what we are called to do as Christians. Let us ask God to keep us from unnecessary fears that are plaguing us.


            God, we rejoice that we no longer have to fear anything in life or death because of Jesus’ work on the cross. Please help us spread this gospel message to a fearful world that lacks that assurance. May others see your perfect love within us and inquire what is so different about us. May we be prepared to give an answer with gentleness and respect to all who ask. May our lives glorify your Son every day. Amen.


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