From God Alone Comes Our Salvation


Scripture: Psalm 62:1-2 (NIV)

Truly my soul finds rest in God;

my salvation comes from him.

Truly he is my rock and my salvation;

he is my fortress; I will never be shaken.




                David, the author of Psalm 62, exemplifies unwavering faith and trust in God for salvation. His words resonate with the church community today, reminding us of our profound gift in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. David's faith, though rooted in a different time, is a beacon of inspiration for us all as we, too, await God's chosen time to reveal His salvation to the world. David never had a particularly easy life. His older brothers probably made him do all the most menial tasks around their property. As David grew up, he showed great courage and resilience as he relied on God for his rest and salvation.


            Today's church faces some of the same pressures and difficulties David faced with such courage. A Goliath of secularism is bearing down on the armies of God as the church waits for a modern-day Daniel to stand up and slay the giant. America, as I have often written in my blog, is under severe pressure to conform to an absolutely anti-Christian culture. Those who have been awaiting the Antichrist should sit up and take notice. Many in our world today hold to just such a philosophy.


            Setting dates for future events described in the Bible is dangerous business. So far, the date-setting crowd has a success rate of 0%. So, I will refrain from apocalyptic predictions and say merely that the world appears to be ready to submit to some very evil forces. Battle lines are drawn, weapons are prepared, disasters are manufactured, and natural disasters flood the news channels. Christians should be aware of the signs of the times we are in. As Jesus said, “Be wise as serpents, and innocent as doves.” (Matthew 10:16)


            In a world that has gone terribly wrong quickly, the church must be ready to fight for the eternal truths revealed in scripture. This is not the first time the church has faced such challenges. We need to seek God’s will and stand on God’s truth as revealed in scripture. Just as David faced up to Goliath, we must now take a stand against the worst that the world, the flesh, and the devil can throw our way. We need to put on the armor of God found in Ephesians 6. We must remember the words of this psalm, treasure them in our hearts, and fight the good fight for the kingdom of God. Let us pray for success.




            Lord, God of our salvation, hear our desperate plea for help. We battle with forces that will overwhelm us if we try to fight in our own fleshly strength. Help us be ready with the armor of God and the weapons of spiritual warfare. Teach us to wait for your strength before we lift a finger in this battle. Knowing that our salvation comes from you gives us the courage to stand and give a good testimony of your love and peace to a hate-filled and war-prone world. Amen.


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