God, Help Us!

Scripture: 2 Chronicles 20:12 (ESV)

 O our God, will you not execute judgment on them? For we are powerless against this great horde that is coming against us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.”


            Many people despair at the state of our nation and, indeed, the world today. Everything seems to be going wrong at once, and no matter your news source, everything is up for grabs. There are wars and rumors of war across the globe—unrest on college campuses and general discontent with the direction the country is heading. We ask with the chronicler what God would have us do in these unsettled times.

            The historical situation that prompted this heartfelt plea for help is this: The tribe of Judah was just told that they were about to be invaded by a great army of their enemies. At this time in their history, they were militarily weak and essentially defenseless against the invading armies. So, their king Jehoshaphat turned to the Lord with an urgent plea for His help. The king’s prayer begins in verse three of this chapter. The prayer ends with this expression of the fullness of the king’s desperation.

            The question for today is, are we not in the situation King Jehoshaphat was in? Will we as a nation realize that we have become weak and unable to solve the many challenges we face today? At the very least, we must recognize that we have done a poor job and could use divine aid. We endlessly complain about the state of affairs of the world around us. Yet, we ignore that our God cares for us deeply and is probably sorely grieved that we do not turn to Him in sackcloth and ashes, repenting of our arrogance and pride and seeking His saving help.

            What was God’s response to Jehoshaphat's desperate plea for help? He sent a prophet to declare that He would fight for him, and there was no need to fear the enemy. This prophecy was fulfilled, and Judah was delivered. If we turn to God in our times of need, what might happen? While I am no prophet, I am certain that the Lord always listens To the heartfelt, honest prayers of His people. Let us humble ourselves and seek His help.


            Lord of heaven and earth, nothing you are unaware of happens on this earth. You know our state. We are frightened by the immensity of the problems confronting us in this world. We know that in our own power, we can do nothing to alter the events that are occurring today. Fight for us, O Lord; without your help, we are lost. We cling to you as our final hope for deliverance from certain destruction. As you did in this Bible story so long ago, act in this moment of history to save your people. Amen.


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