Choose Not to be Afraid

Scripture: Isaiah 41:10 (ESV)

10          Fear not, for I am with you;

be not dismayed, for I am your God;

                        I will strengthen you, I will help you,

I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.


            This verse from the prophet Isaiah pictures God reassuring His people that He is in control and they can trust in Him to save them. This was spoken to the people when they had every logical reason to doubt God’s goodness and care for them. Enemies threatened to conquer and take them from their homes on every side. Doubt and despair were emotions that seemed natural when faced with these circumstances. Yet, God in this verse and those that follow speak to those fears and tell the people that their God was there in that time and place to save them just as He had been throughout their history. His reassurance is a beacon of hope in the darkest of times.

            Many Americans today are feeling just like those Israelites in Isaiah’s time. There seems to be danger at home and abroad, riots at home, and wars and rumors of wars overseas. All are leading to depression and despair among many Americans. Additionally, we will have a presidential election later this year, and our choices are no real choices at all. Our discomfort is heightened by an economy that seems on the brink of disaster while deep and broad political divisions have brought government to a near standstill. What cause do we have for hope in such a time as this?

            Perhaps God can use the prophet's words of hope to reassure us that He is still in control of history. We can rest in the knowledge that nothing happens on earth that He is not aware of or is surprised by. Can we apply these words of comfort to our modern setting? Is it possible that Isaiah spoke to both the people of ancient Israel and modern America? I do not see any reason to believe these words were intended only for the people of Israel in their ancient setting but also for us today, and indeed to every person who ever lived who believed in Him.

            The historical fact of God’s love for His people is well attested. In both the New and Old Testaments, God works in the lives of His people. God loved the world so much that He sent a Messiah to deliver us from sin and death. Time and time again, throughout Biblical and secular history, we read of God’s provision for His people. Even today, God stands with us. Let us petition the Lord to come to our assistance.


            Lord God Almighty, we repeatedly thank and praise you for rescuing your people throughout history. Lord, come to us today. We are in serious trouble on every side. We need to know which way to turn. Please help us with your mighty right hand and deliver us from the natural and imagined dangers that threaten to engulf us. May we confidently hope in your saving actions on our behalf. Calm our fears and teach us to trust in your unfailing love. Amen. 


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