Depend on the Lord


Scripture: Proverbs 3:5-6 (KJV)

    Trust in the Lord with all thine heart;

And lean not unto thine own understanding.

    In all thy ways acknowledge him,

And he shall direct thy paths.


             The proverb we are considering today is perhaps familiar to most believers. However, we should not let familiarity prevent us from seeing the Scripture with fresh eyes. I have deliberately chosen the Old King James version, a unique perspective that offers a fresh interpretation, to aid us in examining this proverb in new and intriguing ways. This translation of the familiar passage will slow us down, inviting us to consider each word and the thoughts the writer wants us to catch.

 The first line of the passage starkly contrasts our culture's demands with the Lord's command. It encourages us to depend on the Lord’s words and ways without reservation, in direct opposition to our world's insistence on trusting in manufactured substitutes. We are told to trust our political parties, scientists, and learned scholars before we place our faith in the Lord. This stark contrast often leads us away from the Lord and into moral quicksand from which we escape, if we ever really do, only with great effort and cost to our bodies, minds, and souls. Above all else, we are told not to trust in the Lord for our salvation when, in reality,  He is the only way to true freedom.

 The second line extends the first, reminding us of the vast difference between our knowledge and the Lord's. No matter how much we learn in our lives or how many degrees we attain, we can never come close to matching the knowledge that the Lord has. When fully grasped, this truth humbles us, filling us with reverence for the Lord. We need to lean on the Lord because He is our trustworthy source of knowledge. We may learn to do math at a high level and speak many languages, but we know nothing without God, who made those calculations and languages possible.

 In the third line of our passage, we are told to let God guide us in all things. The fourth line amplifies this message, offering a comforting promise from the Lord. The proverb leaves us with a steadfast faith that if we put our trust in the God of the Bible instead of the false gods offered by the world, God will lead, guide, and direct us on the path that leads to peace and fulfillment in this life and the next. Let us pray that we will be found faithfully following the path God has marked out for our lives.


             God, who created the universe and mapped out the path for all the stars and planets, we come to you humbled and grateful that you have likewise marked out a path you want us to follow. Teach us to trust in you thoroughly and completely. Let us use our knowledge of you to walk in ways that bring your kingdom to realization in our lives and in our cultures. May all the peoples of the earth learn to follow the way you have marked out for them. Help them ignore the false and dangerous ways of the world. Amen.


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