God is in Charge of Victory in War

 Scripture: Psalm 21:1-7 (NIV)

The king rejoices in your strength, Lord.

How great is his joy in the victories you give!

You have granted him his heart’s desire

and have not withheld the request of his lips.

You came to greet him with rich blessings

and placed a crown of pure gold on his head.

He asked you for life, and you gave it to him—

length of days, for ever and ever.

Through the victories you gave, his glory is great;

you have bestowed on him splendor and majesty.

Surely you have granted him unending blessings

and made him glad with the joy of your presence.

For the king trusts in the Lord;

through the unfailing love of the Most High

he will not be shaken.




            Psalm 20 and Psalm 21 are very similar in their themes. They both are praises by the king to the Lord who has delivered them in battle. Both psalms ascribe all glory to God for their victories in battle. They take no claim of victory for themselves and indeed are very humble about their roles in the victories. It is rare these days for a general or military leader to do this. They will claim superior weapons and fighting men as responsible for their victories. Humility in victory is a rare trait among today’s military leaders.


            In Psalm 21 in fact the king attributes the victory at least in part to answered prayer. In today’s goddess society this would never happen. Or if it did it would be the subject of mockery and derision. All modern people know that “God is dead” and can be of no help on the battlefield or off. The world lives today as practical atheists. Science not God is the new source of knowledge about all things. A prayer to God is seen as powerless and impotent and useless.


            The Kings of psalm 21 would be shocked by our modern world. He would be appalled at the secularism that rules our world. The King would be amazed at how soft our world has gotten. Relying as we do on our electronics and modern gadgets that help us with chores like cooking and cleaning. He would no doubt wonder at our weapons of warfare that are capable of killingso many people at one time. No more is the battle to the strong and the swift atomic bombs destroy whole cities in an instant.


            The Kings of the psalms would no doubt prefer the simplicity of ancient warfare. Life has grown wo complex and deadly. The King would no doubt pray like this’




            Lord, forgive these people who can kill each other at a whim. Lead them in the path of peace and harmony. Let them learn war no more and let them beat their modern weapons into to farming implements. Teach them how to live together in peace rather than letting them learn how to destroy each other. Teach them love and mercy so that they may live at peace with each other. Amen.


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