Who do you say that I am?

Scripture: Luke 9:18-20 (ESV)

18 Now it happened that as he was praying alone, the disciples were with him. And he asked them, “Who do the crowds say that I am?” 19 And they answered, “John the Baptist. But others say, Elijah, and others, that one of the prophets of old has risen.” 20 Then he said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” And Peter answered, “The Christ of God.”


            Jesus asks his disciples, Who do the crowds think that I am? The disciples lay out various options that the crowds have in mind. Some make more sense than others. But they all fall short of the vision Jesus wishes them to have. The same thing happens, however, when we ask the crowds in our world; Who is Jesus? Some will say a good moral teacher. A great teacher, some may even admit to him being a miracle worker. Others will say he was a personification of evil who kept women and other minorities under subjection. There are many interpretations of who Jesus was when he walked this earth.

            Jesus then asks his disciples; “Who do you say that I am?” As usual Peter, being bold and fearless gives an answer on behalf of the disciples. It was a good one this time, “You are the Christ of God.” In other gospel accounts Jesus praises Peter for his correct response. Although Peter gives the correct answer here, we will see through Peter’s later words and deeds that he does not really understand what Jesus meant when he confesses this truth. Peter is still looking for a political savior in Jesus. Neither Peter nor any of the other disciples anticipate the cross and humiliation that their teacher will undergo. They are still blind to the Spiritual battle that Jesus must fight and win for them and for us.

            It is the same way in our world today. All kinds of people say that they believe in Jesus without ever stopping to think that Jesus was anything more than a mere man. A human with great wisdom and knowledge. A great teacher and moral example for how to live a decent and loving life. Jesus never intended to leave that option open to us. After all the Romans would not have crucified someone who merely taught easy sayings and did nothing to excite the crowds. No, Jesus was a threat to the peace of the empire and had to be gotten rid of as soon as possible.

            Now we must ask the crucial question. Who do WE say that Jesus is? And its related question, “Would anybody looking at our life guess that Jesus was our savior and Lord.” We all fall short here. We, however, can look to Jesus for help to live out Christlike lives. God and Jesus have sent the Holy Spirit to dwell within us and empower us to live our own lives as Jesus intended. The Holy Spirit strengthens us for the tough times that lay ahead for anyone who truly follows the way of Christ. Let us ask God that we will be filled with this Spirit.


            Lord, we like the crowds and the disciples of old frequently miss the meaning of who you are. We hold all kinds of false claims about you while denying the original purpose for which you came. We miss the freedom and power that the Spirit longs to fill us with so that we can live victorious lives in Jesus. Teach us submission to your divine will that we may constantly be alive to Christ and dead to the world. Amen.


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