Christ’s Love Compels Us


Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:14-15 (NIV)

14 For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. 15 And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.


            Paul, in today’s scripture, is urging believers then and now to let the love of Christ to compel us to live for Christ and for our neighbors. In our culture, as in the culture of Paul’s time many people resist the love of Christ. Not because they do not believe that his love is real and good, but because they do not want to love the things that Christ’s followers love. A change of lifestyle is more than they can bear. They think I am not that bad. I am better than so-and-so over there.

            How does the Christian live their life for Christ? Only by making no provision for the flesh and seeking to be filled with the love of Christ constantly. Paul makes it clear in these verses that Christ died for all. Who is included in this statement? Who are the all? We can see in the larger context in which this passage lies that all does not mean the entire world. All here refers to those who have heard the call to follow Christ and received that call with joy.

            If we are to be Christ’s followers, we must let Christ’s love always control us. Only by surrendering our own agendas and inclinations can we be faithful to this call. In order to be a true disciple of Christ, we must turn over control of our lives to him. As we grow comfortable in turning our lives over to Christ, we will find that we become new creations in Christ. (See 2 Corinthians 5:17)

 It is scary turning our lives over to Christ. We are taught to always be in control. In fact, scripture elsewhere says we are to be self-controlled. However, our very selves must be changed before this can be a good thing. If we try to have self-control without Christ’s love within us, we simply become selfish. The world has more than enough selfishness to go around. We must be changed into true Christ followers before we can be selfless enough to be self-controlled.


            Lord, help us to surrender to you completely and permanently. We ask for your Holy Spirit to fill us. Lord, we want to be compelled to love others with the love you have shown us. Teach us, dear Jesus, to learn how to turn our lives over to you completely. Make us into new women and men. Transform our minds so that we may think your thoughts after you. Cure us of selfish desires. Lord Jesus, hear our prayer and transform us body, mind, and soul into your image. Amen. 


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