How to Speak

Scripture: Matthew 10:19-20 (NLT)

19 When you are arrested, don’t worry about how to respond or what to say. God will give you the right words at the right time. 20 For it is not you who will be speaking—it will be the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.


            The day is coming and has now come in some places where Christians will be arrested for having a saving faith in Jesus Christ. Acting on your beliefs is always a dangerous proposition. The instructions of these verses should be a comfort in that uncomfortable situation. I would say that the Lord will give us the words to speak in a whole host of different situations. If we are open to the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives, we will be able to speak words of defiant love into every situation where we find ourselves.

            What do I mean by defiant love? Defiant love is the kind of love that always seeks the best for the hearer. It traps its enemies in their own words. It always proclaims the superiority of Jesus over every man made thought or invention. Defiant love refuses to be a victim of anything or anyone. It never retaliates against those who oppose it. Instead, it reaches out offering the unconstrained love of God toward all. It is true 1 Corinthians 13 love. It will never be conquered or defeated for it exists before all things and will exist after all this world is burned up and gone.

            Just a little while ago I would have told you that you will never be arrested and charged with being a Christ follower in the United States. Now I am not too sure of the truth of that statement. Those who stand up for the traditional values that represent God’s true will for the ordering of society are now laughed to scorn. It is routine for Christ followers to lose their employment, relationships, and freedom in today’s society. Holding to the Bible’s definition of the good, true, and beautiful will get you removed from society.

            Today’s scripture promises us not that God will make our suffering for His name any less intense, but that regardless of what happens God will be with us in that suffering. Let us follow the first disciples' example and instead of complaining about our suffering for Jesus, let us do as Peter exhorts us, “Count it all joy.” Rejoicing in our affliction brings glory to God and piles hot coals on the heads of those who cause our suffering.


            Lord, hear our prayer. Bring us through any trouble we experience because of your name. Let us not be in trouble as evil doers but let us be reviled for the name of Jesus. Jesus, you promised us in your sermon on the mount that we would be blessed if we suffered for your sake. Help us to receive that blessing with thanksgiving in our hearts. Help us to truly forgive those who would see us suffer because of our faith in you. Amen.


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