Many Rooms

Scripture: John 14:1-3 (NIV)

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.


            Today we begin to look at John chapter fourteen. These are words of comfort Jesus speaks to his disciples prior to his arrest, trial, and subsequent crucifixion. You would think that the disciples would have been comforting Jesus as the text says elsewhere that he was troubled in spirit at this time. However, Jesus continues to comfort his disciples right up to his death on the cross.

            Jesus tells them not to be full of doubt, but rather have faith in God. He plainly tells them that they can believe in Him because they believe in God. He and the Father are one. If we believe in one, we automatically believe in the other.

            Jesus goes on to describe the place he is preparing for them. The Greek here translated rooms is mone. Which does not refer to mansions as many older translations have it but more like apartments and there are lots of them. The point here is not the lavishness of our heavenly accommodations, but rather the great supply of them. All who come to Jesus for forgiveness and physical or spiritual healing will find a place prepared for them there.

            Jesus tells his disciples that he will take them to the place prepared for him personally. He will come back and take them to their heavenly abode personally. Jesus will dwell with them and they with him forever.

            Jesus words must have of some comfort to his disciples. They, however, were still anxious not knowing who among them would betray Jesus or deny him. These words should be a greater comfort to us as we struggle to live in this world that has gone wrong in so many ways. Jesus’ death and resurrection/ascension show us clearly that Jesus was here on earth for one purpose only. To prepare the way to heaven for us. Let us give Him our worship, praise, and thanksgiving for being such a marvelous Savior.


            Heavenly Father, we worship you and praise your holy name. You sent your one and only begotten Son to save us from this life of toil and sorrow. If we will but believe in you, we can have a peace that truly exceeds our ability to understand it. Father, help us to live lives worthy of the name Christian. Lord, bring us into your house so that we may be your possession forever. Amen.


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