Train Up A Child


Scripture: Proverbs 22:6 (ESV)

            Train up a child in the way he should go;

even when he is old, he will not depart from it.


            This ancient proverb is one that modern people should pay close attention to. It details what is happening in many of our public and private schools today. A change has occurred that is imperiling our children. Since we have taken God out of our schools, the devil has taken over and is driving change according to his sinister plan to injure our children and grandchildren. We must not allow this satanic indoctrination to get ahold of our children. As people of faith, we must take our stand and not allow this to happen.

            The simplest way to understand this verse of scripture is that whatever way a child is brought up that is the way he will continue for the rest of his life. While correct training is not a guarantee that a child will never stray from path when he gets older. Training in righteousness will certainly help them to walk in the way of the Lord for the rest of their lives.

            We must act now as the culture of the west is rapidly deteriorating. We must be salt and light to our culture now before it gets polluted beyond recovery and all hope is lost. We may have to endure some backlash from our taking a stand for God. We are only one generation from losing our culture’s Judeo-Christian morals and ethics. The enemy of our souls knows this and is taking this opportunity to attempt a takeover of our society.

            These days will require courage and firm resolve. We must be willing to endure anything for the cause of making our schools safe for our children again. All those that truly call upon the name of the Lord Jesus as Savior must rally behind our children and defeat the forces of darkness that have descended on our schools. In today’s culture all forms and levels of education are at risk. Both public and private, elementary and university all are under assault. Our government is also polluted by this curse from the devil. We must be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. We must become people of prayer and fasting to with this spiritual war we are in.

            We are in a spiritual battle whether we know it or not. The only question is will we fight for our children or retreat and let the devil win another victory. Our opponents know that “the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.” They believe that training children in the ways of Satan will result in most following that way when they are adults. We must not fall for the deception of the evil one. Let us pray for courage to make a stand here and now.


Lord, we come before you today acknowledging our sinfulness and failures. Lord, help us to stand firm on the truth of your word. Lord, make us people of great courage and resolve in this matter. Let all that we do be done for your glory and for the sake of our children. May they be preserved in the faith by the power of the Holy Spirit. Lord, grant us the resolve to see this fight through to the end. Amen.


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