
Matthew 26:17-19 (ESV)

17 Now on the first day of Unleavened Bread the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Where will you have us prepare for you to eat the Passover?” 18 He said, “Go into the city to a certain man and say to him, ‘The Teacher says, My time is at hand. I will keep the Passover at your house with my disciples.’” 19 And the disciples did as Jesus had directed them, and they prepared the Passover.


            This scripture contains elements of mystery and preparation. The day in question is the day when devout Jews prepared their houses for the celebration of the Passover meal. All traces of leaven had to be removed from the house. Down to the last bread crumb. Following the example of God’s instructions for the actual Passover when the Jews were captive in Egypt. The next day the lamb would be sacrificed for the Passover meal.

            The disciples knew this, so they asked Jesus where they were to begin preparations. Jesus then gives them a mysterious sort of answer. He sends them into the city to find “a certain man” other gospel writers indicate that they will know the man because he will be carrying a water jar. And ask/tell the man that Jesus says he wishes to celebrate the Passover at his home. The disciples, by now used to following such cryptic instructions, simply do as they were told and are shown a room where they prepare to celebrate the feast.

            Just as the disciples heard and followed Jesus’s commands to prepare for the Passover celebration, so we must prepare for Good Friday and Easter during this season of Lent. Our preparation must include getting our hearts and minds clean and ready to receive the gift that Jesus offers his believers. We must purge ourselves of every stain of sin and false love. Our lives must be emptied of all lying and deceit. No leaven of uncleanness should be found in us. We must repent of all known sin and ask God to accept our contrition for our sins.

            We know that God will cleanse all who come to him in sincere repentance for their sin. So, we can have confidence when we ask for these things knowing that Jesus will welcome all sinners who truly are repentant of their sin and seek the freedom from sin that he offers. Let us give glory to God because he is faithful to those who diligently seek him.


            Lord God Almighty, we come before you and ask you to make us fit to celebrate the Easter feast with you. Accept our heartfelt repentance and bless us with your steadfast love and forgiveness. May we always be ready to share your love with this hurting and dying world. Help us to declare the wonders of your love and kindness. Give us grace to share the wonders and the beauty of Jesus with those around us. Amen. 


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