Meditate on these Things
Scripture: Philippians
4:8-9 (ESV)
8 Finally, brothers,
whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if
there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. 9 What you have learned
and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and he God of
peace will be with you.
As Paul is wrapping up his letter to
the church at Philippi he lays before them some very practical words of advice.
Paul’s words echo down the centuries as they speak to us today as words of
encouragement and advice. Perhaps his words are needed now more than ever before.
In our time we have so many different and downright dangerous patterns of thought
competing for our attention in this culture it is hard to imagine a worse time in
which to live.
First, Paul instructs his readers to
think about things that are true. No concept has undergone such a vicious attack
on its core meaning than truth. In our culture today we talk of your truth, and
my truth, We seem unable to come up with any truth that we can agree on. This
is just the way Satan planned it. By confusing our sense of truth and hence our
ability to determine right from wrong Satan has already won the battle.
The meaning of the rest of the words
in the list are also open to interpretation since truth has fallen. What hope
can the righteous have when language has be degraded in this way? We must stand
up for the traditional meanings of the words Paul uses here. All civilization depends
on it. The truth found in words, particularly the words of the Holy Bible must
prevail, or we are completely without hope in the world.
Paul concludes our scripture today
with an exhortation to follow his example in life. Paul put to world this
language in his everyday life. Likewise, we should imitate Paul as we see him live
out the Christian life in the world. We in the 21st century must be
very brave and courageous to follow Jesus and imitate his life the way Paul
did. Standing for absolute truth in this day and age will open you up to
ridicule and mocking by the unbelieving world. We must count the cost and be
willing to pay the price as the early disciples did.
Lord, show us how to live as upright
and truthful people in the midst of a bent and falsehood ridden world. Let us
encourage one another to righteousness as we feel the darkness of lies and evil
closing in. Help us stand strong regardless how strong the tides of culture
pull against us. May we be examples who stand firm for Christ and proclaim his
message of truth, and steadfast love for all people. Amen.
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