Come and Buy
Isaiah 55:1-2 (NLT)
1 “Is anyone thirsty?
and drink—
if you have no money!
take your choice of wine or milk—
all free!
2 Why spend your money on food that
does not give you strength?
pay for food that does you no good?
to me, and you will eat what is good.
You will enjoy the finest food.
Here in Isaiah. we have an invitation to join God in his everlasting kingdom. A place where we can find refreshment and satisfaction of all our needs. These words are meant to be an encouragement to us on our journey through life. They are timeless words that speak to everyone in any age that comes across them. They promise good things to those people who are willing to listen to these words of promise from God.
What does the Lord promise to those willing to listen to him? The promise is of food and drink, not only for our bodies, but also for our souls. Anyone who eats the food that the world provides will be hungry again. Those who partake of wine and milk will likewise thirst again. However, those who eat the food and drink the refreshment that the Lord provides will never hunger or thirst again.
In the New Testament we read, in John chapter four, these words of Jesus speaking to the woman at the well,
13 Jesus replied, “Anyone who drinks this water will soon become thirsty again. 14 But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.”
God is the true source of life. His words, heard, understood, and practiced give life and spiritual health to those who partake of them. Jesus has come to put a face to the promise. In him alone there is refreshment for our thirst, and satisfaction for our hunger. These things are provided at no cost to us. They, however, cost Jesus his very life.
In feeding the multitudes, Jesus proved that he could provide natural food to satisfy the hunger of the crowds. In his death on a cross and resurrection he proved he could provide supernatural food for the innermost needs of all people, peace with God.
give us the supernatural food promised by Jesus in the gospels. Teach us to
tame our physical hunger and seek the food and drink that only you can provide.
Help us to listen carefully to the words Jesus spoke to the woman at the well,
so that we may obtain the promised refreshment. May we receive this food and
drink. Then, Lord, let us share what we have received with the world. Amen.
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