God of All Comfort

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 (NIV)

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.


            Paul, with these words introduces us to another amazing attribute of our God. Paul begins following a Hebrew formula of praise to God. (See Exod. 18:10; Ruth 4:14; 1 Kgs 1:48; Pss. 28:6; 41:13) He is extending an offering of praise for our God. This serves as an introduction to the entire letter. Paul offers the Corinthian believers an optimistic view of their relationship with God and himself. Here he sets the tone for this epistle. He introduces God as a God of compassion and comfort.

            Paul then expands on the theme of God being a God of comfort for his first century readers and by extension us. We should rejoice in the fact that our God is a God of comfort and encouragement. God sees us in our distress and comforts us. As we have been thus comforted, we can extend comfort and encouragement to one another as well.

            Our world is changing into a world where comfort and encouragement are hard to come by. We are daily assaulted in our media and devices with all sorts of calamities. We face dire predictions of economic downturns, rampant crime, and a general coarsening of manners and morals in our society. We see a world that is increasingly hostile toward us as people of faith. In response we tend to become increasingly isolated and withdrawn.

            These words in 2 Corinthians are addressed to us in our twenty-first century world. We can cling to their promise that no matter if the society is against us, God is for us. He seeks our comfort and encouragement at every turn. We can be reminded that at the cross and in the empty tomb Jesus won a lasting victory over Satan and all the forces of evil and discouragement in the world.

            Let us dedicate our lives to becoming people who offer comfort and encouragement to one another as we journey through this decaying world. Help us to be salt and light to arrest the deterioration of the culture around us. Let us pray for God to help us in our mission.


            O God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, be with us this day. We give you thanks that you are a God who desires his people to be comforted and encouraged regardless of our outer circumstances. Help us to live in such a way that people are drawn to you, Lord. Help us teach our friends and associates that you are a God who has plans for good for his people. Lord, continually refresh us with your steadfast love. Amen. 


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