Our Hope in Heaven
Scripture: 2 Corinthians
4:16-18 (ESV)
16 So we do not lose
heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed
day by day. 17 For this
light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory
beyond all comparison, 18 as
we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For
the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are
The older I get the sicker I become.
This is true of my friends as well. Time is not kind to our bodies. No matter
how well we take care of them they just seem to wear out. We waste away as Paul
puts it in the scripture above. I hope that I am not sounding overly
pessimistic here. However, it is a simple fact of biology that no one lives
forever. Even my 102-year-old aunt who it seemed might live forever. Is at last
succumbing to the deterioration of her body.
But Paul points out in this passage
that our inward being is being renewed day by day. We have a treasure unfading
in heaven where time cannot diminish or tarnish it. No matter what aches and
pains we may suffer in this world in Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection we
will be brought to eternal life with him in heaven. We are, according to Paul,
to consider what we suffer in this life as “a light momentary affliction.” Our
bodies may wear out, but our souls are being prepared for eternity in heaven
with Jesus.
We were originally made to live and
flourish in this world. Our bodies were not meant to decay or die. God gave us
just one rule in the garden of Eden and we (under the influence of Satan) broke
it. Thus, we were cast out of paradise and became the mere mortals we are
today. But that is not the end of the story. In another garden many millennia later
a solitary figure knelt and prayed on behalf of the whole human race. He prayed
that not his will, but God’s be done. He knew the anguish he would suffer, but
he did it anyway. So, he was executed, but God raised him up after three days
to eternal glory. One day those who trust in him will see him alive in paradise.
Scriptures tell us that we cannot conceive
of what God has prepared for us in heaven. We are told that we will never die
again. Every tear will be wiped away and we will worship the one who has
accomplished this great salvation for us. Let us begin our praise right now:
Lord, our bodies distress us more
and more each day. Yet we cling to the promise of a new resurrected body that
cannot diminish with time. Thank you for sending your son Jesus to bear our
sins on the cross. We know that he suffered greatly because we have sinned
greatly. Help our voices to be strong and loud declaring our praises for Jesus
the one who rescued us. We bless your holy name as we make our way as poor
pilgrims to the celestial city where we will enjoy eternity in Your presence.
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