The Schemes of the Devil


Put on the Armor       

Scripture: Ephesians 6:11 (ESV)

11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.


            We are told to put on the armor of God. It is for our own protection. We have an enemy that is pleased when he is able to do us harm. This enemy is the Devil, and he is constantly looking for weaknesses in us that he can exploit for the benefit of his infernal kingdom. The devil is constantly looking for souls he can lure away from the safety of our Heavenly Father. Therefore, God has provided us with complete armor that we can withstand the attacks of the Devil, subdue the rebellious flesh, and overcome the temptations of the world.

            What are some of the common schemes of the enemy of our soul? First, we have the vanity of the things of this world. How many a Christian has gotten lost in their profession of faith by the enticements of worldly wealth? The number is probably in the millions. Satan knows that if he can make the treasures of this world bright and shiny enough even the strongest soldier in God’s army may be enticed to give up his post and duties to the kingdom trading the kingdom for some trinket.

            Second, as our savior alluded to with the rich young ruler, there is the allure of earthly success. See Luke 18:22-24. Such success is indeed a great obstacle to entering the kingdom of heaven. Some men and women are taken captive by positions of influence and power. The political class is here in mortal danger. As they seek power, pride overwhelms them, and they are unable to stand for kingdom values. The allure of political power has ruined many a soul. This is true in both secular and religious realms.

            Finally, we have earthly wealth. One does not have to be rich, however, to have possessions that become idols and lead to the destruction of the soul. Any earthly thing that captures the soul will do for the Devil and his minions to destroy a soul. Has not our Savior said in Luke 6:19-21 (ESV) “19 “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, 20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” One need not be rich to have possessions that entice and entrap the soul. Even many of the homeless have possessions which to them are idols and work to destroy their souls.

            We must, therefore, wear the armor of God and also pray at all times that we do not fall into the devils traps. As good soldiers in God’s army we must defend against the enemy of our souls. We, by laying up our treasures in heaven instead of here on earth, will be able to stand the many and diverse attacks of the evil one.


            Lord, we are told to put on your armor to stand against the devil and his hordes. May we follow your instructions and keep alert for ways the enemy may be attacking us. Help us to stand and help our fellow Christians to stand against the devil that his plans and schemes may be defeated. Let our lives bring glory to your kingdom. Bless us with your spiritual riches so that we may not be enticed by earthly riches. Amen


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