Live for Jesus


Scripture: Colossians 2:6-7 (The Message)

6–7        My counsel for you is simple and straightforward: Just go ahead with what you’ve been given. You received Christ Jesus, the Master; now live him. You’re deeply rooted in him. You’re well-constructed upon him. You know your way around the faith. Now do what you’ve been taught. School’s out; quit studying the subject and start living it! And let your living spill over into thanksgiving.


            We have just celebrated the Advent season and Christmas Day. What do we do with the baby lying in the manger? If we truly possess Jesus in your heart and mind, shouldn’t we be living differently now? That is the challenge before us now. We who have just celebrated the birth of Jesus as our savior have no excuse not be speaking to others who don’t know Jesus about the good news of his birth.

            The promise that Jesus’ birth is before us. We have learned what this child will become from angels, shepherds, and wise men. If we have believed these witnesses the time has come to act on what we have learned. We need to be not only hearers of the good news of the Christ child come to us in Bethlehem, but we must be doers spreading the word of his birth to every corner of the globe.

            Let us be like Anna and Simeon in the temple waiting for Jesus to arrive. Once they found him, they were moved to praise. So, we have waited throughout advent for the one who was promised. Now that Jesus has arrived, we must let the world know. As the hymn says we should “go tell it on the mountain Jesus Christ is born.” The news is so good all the world must know. God has finally come and brought salvation to a world captive to sin and sorrow.

            There is always more to learn about Jesus. Indeed, even in heaven when we see him face to face, we will never exhaust all that there is to know about our savior. We should never be afraid to share our faith with others because we lack knowledge. Simply tell others what Jesus has done for you and that will be enough. No one will be able to contradict your story because it is true. Don’t worry that they might ask you a question you don’t know the answer to. The Lord will provide the words you are to say.


            Eternal Father we come before you today rejoicing that you loved us enough to send your son to be our savior. Help us to spread the good news about him wherever we go. Give us courage to be your witnesses in the world every day. Let our lives be known as living testimonies to your love and compassion for all people.  May we know of your presence with us as we proclaim the good news about Jesus. Amen


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