Send Me


Scripture: Isaiah 9.8 (ESV)

And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.”


            In this devotion we highlight another dangerous prayer that God may be calling us to pray. The prayer is the one found above from the lips of Isaiah when God was seeking someone to go and proclaim His words to the people. When Isaiah said these words God’s immediate response was “And [God] said, “Go, and say to this people:”. The issue with the prayer “send me” is that God may send us somewhere we would not otherwise want to go to.

            The Bible is full of people who got sent to places they would not otherwise go. From Abraham being told to leave his family and his home and travel to an unknown distant land. At least Abraham went willingly obeying the direction of God. However, Jonah wanted no part of going to Nineveh but went unwillingly and did what God commanded him to do. So, it is with us. We never know where God is going to send us if we pray this prayer.

            As we approach this new year let us resolve to see if God is desiring us to move on from our familiar and comfortable place where we are to a new place where we do not know what will happen to us. May God give us the courage to pray this prayer and see where God may be leading us right now. May we respond eagerly as Isaiah did in today’s scripture and go where God is sending us. Whether it be across town or across an ocean help us to be ready for His calling on our lives.


            Lord give us courage to pray this dangerous prayer. Help us to be willing to hear and follow your call. We will go wherever you tell us to go and do whatever you want done. Help us to be confident of your provision for us no matter where we go as a result of your call upon our lives. May we be blessed as we follow your call. No matter what your call is and no matter where it takes us let us rely on you at all times. Amen


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