Who is This Jesus?


Scripture: Acts 2:1-4 (NIV)

When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly, a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.


            On this Christmas Day, I invite you to reflect on the profound significance of Jesus' humble birth. It may seem unusual to use the Pentecost passage, but bear with me. Let's remember that Jesus and the Holy Spirit are two manifestations of our triune God. The heavens did open and announce that a savior would be born on that first Christmas Eve, but the audience was smaller. His birth in a humble stable was all the world could accept then, a testament to the depth of God's plan, His love for humanity, and His perfect wisdom.

            If Jesus had been born in Jerusalem with choirs of angels and much fanfare, the authorities would have been quick to act to neutralize this threat to their power. No, Jesus’ entrance into the world needed to be secret. The world can only sustain so much change, and then it needs a break. Changing sinners' hearts and minds requires a human born in humble beginnings. Being born in an out-of-the-way village with a few animals and some shepherds as witnesses was ordinary enough that the powers did not feel threatened by this child's birth.

            By the time Pentecost came, however, the news was out. The rumor mill was churning full steam ahead with the story of a crucified man named Jesus who had walked out of the tomb fully alive. Even though Jesus’ main disciples lived as though their lives might be next hid in fear. That fear would turn to boldness on that first Pentecost. The Holy Spirit descended in power, making the fearful followers bold evangelists. Telling the story of Jesus and His life, death, and resurrection with power and assurances.

            As we celebrate this Christmas season, let's remember the urgency of our mission. Filled with the Holy Spirit, we are called to boldly and earnestly proclaim the birth of our Messiah. Our world is in desperate need of the hope and light that Jesus Christ brings. Our culture may be descending into chaos, but as Christians, we have the power to combat this decay with our witness. The time for action is here. Let us pray for God’s empowering Holy Spirit right now.


            Lord, our world is a deep marsh of evil and corruption. We know that you, Jesus, are our only way of salvation. Lift us from this slough of despond and put our feet solidly on the path toward the Celestial City, where we can live in the fruit of the spirit, no more mourning, crying, or death. As we celebrate this day in honor of Jesus, let us be faithful and courageous witnesses for Him. May we have the Pentecostal power poured out on us this Christmas. Amen.


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