The Word of the Lord is Powerful


Scripture: Acts 19:20 (ESV)

20 So the word of the Lord continued to increase and prevail mightily.


In the bustling city of Ephesus, the Apostle Paul witnessed extraordinary manifestations of God’s power through the preaching of the Gospel. Acts 19:20 encapsulates this triumph by declaring, “So the word of the Lord continued to increase and prevail mightily.” This verse is not merely a historical account but a profound testament to the unstoppable power of God's word, a power that continues to transform lives today.

The word of the Lord is not just a collection of ancient texts; it is a living and active force. Hebrews 4:12 tells us that “the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword.” It penetrates the depths of our being, discerning thoughts and intentions. When received with an open heart, it has the power to convict, comfort, and inspire. The transformative power of God’s word was evident in Ephesus, where many who practiced magic brought their books and burned them publicly upon hearing the Gospel (Acts 19:19). This act of repentance and renunciation demonstrated the deep impact that the word had on their lives.

The word of the Lord is also powerful because it carries the authority of God Himself. Isaiah 55:11 assures us that God's word will not return to Him void but will accomplish what He desires and achieve the purpose for which He sent it. In Ephesus, as elsewhere, the preaching of the Gospel overcame cultural and spiritual strongholds, leading many to faith in Jesus Christ. The word dismantled the influence of idol worship and false teachings, establishing the truth of the Gospel in hearts and minds.

Moreover, the word of the Lord is powerful because it is the seed of new life. 1 Peter 1:23 states, “For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and abiding word of God.” This new life in Christ was evident in the sustained growth of the early Church. The word of God spread, and with it, the number of believers increased. It was not only the numerical growth that was significant but the depth of transformation in individuals and communities.

In our present day, the word of the Lord continues to increase and prevail mightily. Whether through personal study, preaching, or communal worship, it remains the foundation of our faith and the catalyst for spiritual renewal. As believers, we are called to immerse ourselves in Scripture, allowing its truths to shape our thoughts, actions, and lives. By doing so, we become vessels through which the powerful word of God can work, bringing light into darkness, hope to the hopeless, and life to the spiritually dead.


            Lord, fill us with the power of the Holy Spirit as you promised in your unbreakable word. May we always praise your name and work to proclaim your word to those around us. We thank you, Almighty God, that you have given the gift of your word to tell us about your Son who came and died for us. May our lips always praise you. Amen.


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