Separated From Christ
Ephesians 2:12-13 (ESV)
Remember that you were at that time
separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers
to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. But
now in Christ Jesus, you who once were far off have been brought near by the
blood of Christ.
In Ephesians 2:12-13, the Apostle
Paul reminds the believers of their former state of separation from God. Before
knowing Christ, they were outsiders to God’s chosen people, Israel, and
strangers to the covenants that carried His promises. This separation left them
hopeless and without God, wandering in a world devoid of divine guidance and
Yet, the pivotal shift occurs with
the introduction of Christ Jesus into their lives. Through His sacrificial
blood, those who were distant and disconnected have now been brought near. This
nearness is not just about physical proximity; it is an intimate relationship
with God, a union with Christ that redefines their identity and destiny,
bringing them closer than they could have imagined.
The imagery of being 'brought near'
by the blood of Christ is profound. It speaks to the reconciliation and
restoration that Jesus' sacrifice accomplished. No longer are we alienated or
orphaned; we belong to the family of God, integrated into the body of Christ.
This closeness with God brings not just hope, but a deep sense of purpose and
an inheritance of His eternal promises, providing us with the assurance we need
in our journey.
As we reflect on these verses, let
us remember the magnitude of God's love and grace that reached out to us when
we were far off. Let us live in the reality of our new identity, no longer as
strangers, but as beloved children of God. May our lives be a testimony of the
transformative power of Christ's blood, drawing others to the same hope and
nearness we now cherish.
The choice is ours. Separation or
unity, God leaves the decision up to us. If you are willing, pray with me for
unity in Christ. May the bonds of this relationship grow stronger, holding us
close to our savior.
we have been separated from you but long to be embraced by your mighty love.
Forgive us for the sins that now separate us from you. May our hearts be made
pure and clean by the regeneration only your love can provide. May our lives be
changed into true disciples who follow you wherever you lead us. May we always
glorify your name by our speech and actions. Amen.
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