The Lord is Supreme

Scripture: Proverbs 21:30 (ESV)

         No wisdom, no understanding, no counsel can avail against the Lord.


            This proverb speaks loudly to the spirit of this age in America. Our cultural moment is full of the plans of mere mortals that directly contradict God's will as revealed in His inerrant, infallible Word. The Lord decreed in Genesis that humankind was to be fruitful and multiply. The culture promotes death from womb to tomb. People of goodwill seeking only to honor God by obeying the clear commands written for us in scripture are ignored, silenced, or worse in today’s culture. Here are some of the ways the culture promotes death.

            Let us begin in the womb. Our culture promotes abortion as a positive good. Since Roe v Wade was overturned and the matter has returned to the states to decide if and when abortion is legal, we have seen a wide variety of approaches being implemented by the states. Some states do protect life, but many allow abortion up to the moment of birth. Modern medicine gives humans the ability to abort a baby by taking drugs without ever seeing a doctor for consultation. God’s word tells us to seek life for all people; abortion denies that right.

            The transgender rights movement seeks to aid youth who are confused about their gender to transition into the opposite gender or to have a gender outside the binary male and female ordained by God in Genesis 1:26-27. The techniques that affect this change are often not reversible and sterilize the youth involved. Some interventions and even deny the person involved the ability to experience sexual pleasure given by God for humans to enjoy. The culture of this movement is an alarming culture of death.

            Marriage is under attack. Those who think they know better than God advocate all kinds of marital arrangements. In scripture, God’s plan for marriage is simple. One man and one woman united for life to become one flesh and to have children. Anything other than this simple plan results in pain and confusion. No culture that redefines the institution of marriage can survive for long.

            Finally, even the hour and day of death is being manipulated. Assisted suicide is creeping into our culture. What began as a way for terminally ill persons to choose to end their suffering is now used to allow people who are depressed to decide to end their own lives. As a man who has suffered from severe depression and attempted suicide on more than one occasion, I realize that suicide is to try a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I am so glad that my life was spared so that I can experience the joy of being a father to my children as they have grown older and be a grandfather to my grandchildren.

            In summary, the culture of death reigns in America today. We who seek to push back against these ideas are marginalized and demonized. We are told that we are bigots. We are called names, transphobe, homophobe, or worse. All we want is to have the freedom to speak, be heard, and hold different opinions. We believe that our God requires this of us.


            May the Lord protect us. May God be exalted in our day and age. Please help us be winsome and attractive to our culture so they may see the error of their ways. God will not be mocked. Those who promote the culture of death will answer to Him at the judgment seat of Christ on the day of His return. May God grant them repentance before that happens. Amen.


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