God Sees Us
Scripture: Genesis 16:13 (NIV)
13 She gave this name to the Lord who
spoke to her: “You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “I have now seen the
One who sees me.”
context of today's scripture is the narrative of Hagar, Sara’s slave, who had
fled due to Sara’s mistreatment. What strikes us is the profound care God shows
for Hagar in these verses. In the dialogue between the Angel of the Lord and
Hagar that precedes this verse, God not only hears but also sees Hagar in her
distress. He reveals to Hagar that she is with child and will bear a son named
Ishmael. This revelation moves Hagar to the heartfelt exclamation we read in the
verse above.
our culture does not do very well at genuinely seeing people for who they are. We
are too engrossed in our phones and other devices to pay attention to other
people. Our addiction to our devices can get so bad that not only do we not see
and respond appropriately to other people, but we can even neglect our own
needs. Books detailing this problem have been written but seldom provide real,
tangible answers.
suggest our problem is that we have forgotten the truth proclaimed in this scripture
verse. We have grown cold to God and have lost the sense of His immediate
presence with each one of us. When was the last time you thought that God might
see and care for you as an individual? We believe that we are anonymous just
because there are billions of people on the earth. God, I contend, is vitally interested
in each and every one of us. God knows our distress and longs to comfort us
just as he comforted Hagar in today’s scripture.
is not too late for us, however. We can turn from our device addiction and open
ourselves to God’s immeasurable love and care. We can be present to God and
each other in new and vital ways. Just as Hagar went back and lived with Sara,
we can listen to God and receive His love, realizing that He sees us and cares
deeply about each one of us. If we ask God, He will let us know Him, our
neighbor, and ourselves more deeply. The proclamation of the Angel that the
Christ child would be known as Immanuel, God with us, can be our reality.
Let us pray not to hide from God
but be open to His loving embrace.
Father, hear us when we pray. Help us, Lord, to realize that you desire an
intimate relationship with us. You genuinely see us with both our gifts and our
faults. You, O God, love and care for us because we are created in your image
and designed for a relationship with you. Please help us break free from the
bondage of our screens and notifications and pay attention to you and your
word. May we worship you wholeheartedly. Thank you for seeing us as we truly
are. Amen.
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