Pride vs Humility
Scripture: Proverbs 16:18-19 (ESV)
18 Pride
goes before destruction,
and a haughty spirit
before a fall.
19 It is better to be of a lowly spirit
with the poor
than to divide the
spoil with the proud.
meaning of the word pride has changed dramatically in our present age. To the
author of the book of Proverbs, pride was a sin. Today, pride is almost always
used in a positive sense. What has changed and why? The answer can be found in
today’s pair of proverbs. The usage in verse 18 is purely negative. The
opposite of pride is “lowly spirit,” which is found in verse 19. This pair of
proverbs not only defines pride but also underscores the importance of humility
in the Christian faith.
our culture affirms pride as a positive good. We are told to have pride in
almost everything we say or do. We take pride in our schools, our work, our
sexuality. Everything we do can be a source of pride for the modern person. Why
is the Bible so critical of pride, then? The answer is found by closely
examining the two verses above.
our modern society, we live for our feelings. One of the slogans of our time
is, “If it feels good, do it.” We seldom consider the effects of our actions.
We live to feel good in the moment, as if nothing and no one else matters. The
Bible’s take on pride is oriented toward the results of our momentary feeling
of pride. It points to the ultimate results of living a life consumed with
present pleasures without regard for future consequences.
Bible speaks to us of the end result of pride, which it calls “a fall.” We are
always ultimately tripped up by our pride. Even though the results may not be
immediate, they always follow the action. Adam and Eve in the garden may have
taken momentary pride in their choice to eat the forbidden fruit, but the fruit
of their choice ruined them and all of humanity since.
19 gives the counter-example. The lowly spirit, the spirit of humility, is
better than the prideful spirit. Pride hurts others, and humility thinks of
others before itself. In the long run, we will be better off walking in
humility than pride. If you are prideful, you may get a short-term gain, but
there will always be a long-term loss. If you are humble, however, you will be
Father, teach us to walk in humility. Lord, teach us that a humble spirit will always
work out better for us. May we humbly seek to live as Christ-followers, loving
you, O God, and our neighbors. If we boast, may we only boast of our great God
and not our accomplishments. Glory to God alone, not to us. Amen.
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