God With Us

Scripture: Psalm 23:4 (KJV)

    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,

I will fear no evil: for thou art with me;

Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.


            As we have seen, God sees and hears us; today, we explore what it means for God to be with us. These words from the beloved Psalm 23 speak loudly to today’s culture. We live in a world where threats seem to be on every side. No matter where we turn, there are threats to our property, freedoms, and even our very lives. Violence seems to have this world in its grip. Whether it is violence between countries, on our streets, or even in our homes, it seems that nowhere is safe anymore.

            David, the writer of this psalm, offers solace and hope with these words. He proclaims that even in the face of imminent death, we need not be afraid. God has pledged to journey with us through all the seasons of life, leading us to our final resurrection and eternal bliss with Him in paradise. The word picture David paints in this verse is vivid and would have resonated deeply with his first audience. In the twenty-first century, however, they need a little explanation.

            David writes of a shepherd's rod and staff. The rod was used as a weapon to defend the flock from predator attacks, while the staff was used to correct and guide the flock through the countryside. Having these two implements with them, the shepherds could be comforted that they had what they needed to guide and protect the flock under their care. David’s words comfort all of us. God will provide all we need to live and flourish in this world. It does not matter what threats come our way God will provide all that we could possibly need.

            Let us pray for calmness and serenity in the face of the challenges of modern life.


            Lord, help us to take comfort in these beautiful words written so long ago. Please help us to realize that you are genuinely with us amid all life’s ups and downs. Teach us to rely on your help at all times. Assure us of your presence whenever we are anxious and troubled. Forgive us for our lack of faith, and restore joy in the knowledge of your presence with us. Let us depend on you for comfort and eternal life, even in death. Amen.


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