God is For Us


Scripture: Lamentations 3:21-24 (ESV)

21          But this I call to mind,

and therefore, I have hope:

            22          The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;

his mercies never come to an end;

            23          they are new every morning;

great is your faithfulness.

            24          “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,

“therefore, I will hope in him.”




            These verses are perhaps the only words from Lamentations with which we are familiar. This book has fallen on hard times in our modern world. The title does not resonate with our modern sensibilities, so we ignore it. Its pages, however, are filled with God-breathed truth for any time and place. Today, we may seek advice in proverbs or comfort and solace in the Psalms. The book of Lamentations offers another way to pray grounded in God’s character.


            God's character is not confined to a single aspect. He is not just a God of love, nor is He solely a God of wrath. Scripture reveals that God also experiences deep sorrow over the brokenness of His creation. Even Jesus, during His time on earth, wept over Lazarus and the city of Jerusalem. This understanding allows us to see that our own tears of sorrow or grief are not misplaced. The Book of Lamentations can serve as a guide in our moments of sorrow, reminding us of God's empathy and understanding.


            The scripture above serves as a powerful reminder that no matter how dark and foreboding our circumstances may seem, God is always on our side. His love and support are limitless, and He is ever ready to stand with us in our trials and tribulations. Our pain and grief may run deep, but God is not just there to comfort and guide us. He is there to stand with us, to share in our situation, and to offer His unwavering support.


            Therefore, let us seek to read and understand the Book of Lamentations so we can use it profitably when the occasion warrants. We can take comfort in the fact that God, in the person of Jesus, wept openly during His sojourn here on earth. As this scripture suggests, our sorrow will end when we can deal with it in the ways suggested in this book. God’s mercies are new every morning, and His love never ends. God is our ultimate hope in times of grief and sorrow. He is genuinely for us in every way.




            Lord, we thank you for being on our side. No matter what happens, you have promised never to leave or forsake us. Please help us to trust in you. We are comforted by the fact that Jesus wept over sin and death, so we can be sure that you are with us in our tears and despair. Help us grieve, not as those who have no hope, but as those who have hope in a creator God who knows our troubles and always stands by us. Amen.


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