God is Near the Brokenhearted


Scripture: Psalm 34:18 (ESV)

18          The Lord is near to the brokenhearted

and saves the crushed in spirit.


            David, the author of this psalm, sends us a word of comfort. David knew about having a broken heart and a crushed spirit. The scriptures record many events in his life that must have been difficult to take in. David remained faithful, however, until the day of his death. This does not mean that David’s life was without sin, far from it. God was faithful to David even when David behaved poorly and fell into grievous sin. David knew this and was thankful and proclaimed the Lord’s faithfulness often.

            What can we learn from David’s example? First and foremost, we can learn about God's unwavering faithfulness to us, even in the face of trials and temptations. David acknowledges in this psalm that God remains faithful even when we falter. In fact, God takes pleasure in being our beacon of hope when we are in our deepest distress. God's specialty lies in comforting the broken-hearted. The crushed in spirit can always look to God to rescue their souls regardless of the depth of their despair.

            In our society, we routinely discount God’s nearness and saving love. When we are feeling down and depressed or anxious and unsettled, we are likely to reach into the medicine cabinet instead of taking our burdens to God. I am not saying that medicines have no place, but only that they tend to be our first line of treatment instead of seeking God’s help in our time of need. This culture has been conditioned to ignore God and seek to medicate all its problems. Only when the medication does not work do we ask God for His help.

            The words of this Psalm must comfort us. God does not intend for His people to be depressed and anxious. The Lord Himself will provide what we need to live happy and contented lives if we let Him. We should remember to reach out to the Lord for help in any distress or trial. Drugs and therapy have their place, but so does God. His rightful place is to be at the center of our lives ahead of all the offerings of the world, the flesh, and the devil. Let us go before the throne of grace to ask for a sense of God’s presence amid our suffering.


            Lord, we honor you above everything in heaven and on earth. You alone are worthy of our praise. We confess that we have often sought relief elsewhere in times of trial and distress. Thank you for declaring in your word your desire to be our hope and guide no matter what difficulties we may experience. Grant to us comfort for sorrow and joy for a crushed spirit. May we always serve you with joyful obedience. Amen.


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