Zechariah’s Prophesy
Zechariah 3:7 (NIV)
7 “This is what the Lord Almighty
says: ‘If you will walk in obedience to me and keep my requirements, then you
will govern my house and have charge of my courts, and I will give you a place
among these standing here.
prophesy above was spoken to the high priest Joshua. Joshua served after the
return of Israel from captivity. However, its message speaks in all times to
all people. As we move on from our celebration of Easter, we can glean from its
words wisdom with which to live our lives. The Lord gives us hope for a future
with our risen King.
miracle of the resurrection changes everything about the spiritual power
structures here on earth. Satan has who had dominion over the earth since the
time of the fall was decisively defeated, and Jesus was installed as the new ruler
over the earth. Even though to look at the events taking place right now on the
earth one might be tempted to doubt this truth. God is faithful and he has delivered
his children from the reign of sin and death.
Lord has declared victory and Satan is a defeated but rebellious foe. Satan
attempts to blind the world into thinking that he is still in charge We know
that our victory has been won and if we will look with the eye of faith upon
all that has taken place, we can see hints of Satan’s power coming to an end.
prophesy empowers believers to live lives of hope and joy. Knowing that in
heaven we will be put in charge of the Lord’s house. We must remain obedient
though. We are saved by grace through faith. However, the Lord still requires
obedience from his people. However, such obedience will be a joy because of our
heavenly home with Christ, and it will be easy to obey with Satan and all
temptations to sin removed.
also will enjoy unhindered access to God in the kingdom to come. We already
enjoy this access through prayer, but distractions often hinder us from being
focused on the Lord during our prayer times. In heaven there will be no
distractions, and our communion with our Lord will be much the sweeter for it.
us rejoice then in the knowledge that our future is bright. Undimmed by the
world, the flesh, and the devil. We will walk and talk with our Savior and Lord
undisturbed by any concern or worry. Our blessed Savior will be there to guide
and direct our paths and there will be perfect communion with the Lord and all
his saints gathered in the heavens. Let us thank the Lord our God for his
God Almighty we thank you for your promises of eternal life with you. Thank you
that you cared for us and sent your son to redeem us from the power of sin and
death. We fall down on our faces and worship you for all your great and mighty
deeds. We especially give thanks for the promises of heaven. Help us walk obedient
lives during our time on earth. Amen.
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