Be Watchful

Scripture: Luke 21:34-36 (ESV)

But watch yourselves lest your hearts be weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness and cares of this life, and that day come upon you suddenly like a trap. 35 For it will come upon all who dwell on the face of the whole earth. 36 But stay awake at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are going to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man.”


            In these verses Jesus is speaking to the crowd. He has warned them of the things that will happen before the judgement day. He was not telling the crowd what they wanted to hear. He did not tell them that He was about to bring about the restoration of the kingdom to Israel. What he did tell them was a long list of things that would happen before the kingdom would be established anew.

            Jesus foretells many things that were to take place within the current generation. For example, he foretold the destruction of the temple which occurred in A. D. 70. Jesus told of wars and natural disasters such as earthquakes. In this particular scripture he warns them not to let their hearts be weighed down worrying about the coming calamities. Jesus warns them about self-medicating with drinking and indulging the desires of the flesh.

            The judgement day will come like the flood came long ago. It will find most unprepared for the trials about to happen. The Christian is to stay awake and be in prayer at all times that they may be received into the presence of Jesus, the Son of Man.

            We are as disappointed in these words of Jesus as the crowds who originally heard it were. We want Jesus to come back now and solve our worlds dilemmas. We read these words and ponder them. They call on us to stay awake constantly, a feat that should only be expected of the youth. We would rather pray that our way would be easy than to ask for strength to face the fierce trials that are coming our way. Even if our salvation is secure in Jesus the days of judgement coming upon the earth will not be pleasant for anyone.

            Only once the day of judgement has come will those of us who are judged worthy by our participation in the blood of Jesus will have any rest. But what a glorious day that will be. Once the books are opened and judgement rendered, only once that is done will we be at peace in the world. We should make certain we are ready by being in the word of the Lord and obeying that word. Let us ask God for the ability to be ready to stand up and declare Jesus as our Lord and Savior.


            Heavenly Father, only you know the exact day and hour when you will bring judgement upon the earth. We wait expectantly if not patiently. Help us to confess and repent of sin and turn the hearts of all people everywhere to you. We know that you do not wish any to perish help us to turn as many toward your kingdom as we can. Give us strength to stand on the day of trial. We ask these things in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen. 


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