Pearl of Great Price
More Parables of the Kingdom
Scripture: Matthew
13:44-45 (ESV)
44 “The kingdom of
heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up.
Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.
45 “Again, the
kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, 46 who, on finding one
pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.
Jesus shares two
more parable of what the kingdom of God is like. In both parables someone runs across
a treasure and goes and sells all he has to possess it. These passages require
some translation into modern culture in order to have a full impact on us the
reader. We seldom find treasure hidden in a field as in the first parable. We
tend to hide our treasure in banks and other places of safety. In Jesus day,
however, burying treasure was not uncommon.
The merchant
looking for pearls is in a similar circumstance. While he was not searching fields, he was visiting
places of commerce looking for that one pearl that would prove to be so very valuable.
When he finds it, he sells all he has to obtain it.
The application
for today’s reader is obvious. We are to discover Jesus our pearls of great
price or treasured buried in a feel and sell or give away all that we own to
obtain Jesus in our lives. This story brings to mind the gospel story about the
rich young ruler who asked Jesus what must I do to inherit eternal life. Jesus
after testing the mans devotion to the law tells him that he must sell all he owns
and follow Jesus. The story goes that the man went away sad because he had great
So, we must be
prepared to give up whatever part of our lives that we hold strongly too and
follow Jesus wherever he leads. If we would obtain the lasting treasures of heaven,
we must be willing to give up what ever we are trying to hold onto in this
life. Letting go of earthly treasure is hard but it is the one requirement for
entry into God’s eternal kingdom.
Let us pray,
therefore, that we would hold on loosely to our possessions. We never know when
God is going to require us to let go of them so that we may enter into the
fulness of joy in the kingdom of God.
Lord, teach us to hold on to the
attractions of this world loosely so that we may be prepared to let go of them
when you call us home. Because they are hindrances to our living lives and
dying deaths that fully honor you. Help us keep our eyes on the prize which is to
live with you forever. Let us live lives here on earth that bless each other so
that we may be a blessing to other in eternity. Amen.
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