Marvelous Light of Jesus

Scripture: 1 Peter 2:9-10 (ESV)

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. 10Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.


            In today’s scripture we read that the people Jesus has called to himself are a special people. We are to be royal and holy. Giving us back the value that sin had taken away in the garden. We, as a people belonging to Jesus, are one nation. We come from various political nations, and we speak many languages, but we, in Christ, are considered one nation. Before Christ came, and we believed in him we were not a distinct people but now because of Christ alone we are a special people.

            In keeping with our theme of the light of Christ this week, Peter states that we were once dwelling in darkness, but Jesus has called us out of the darkness of sin into His glorious light of presence. This is wonderful news for believers. Jesus calls us to come to Him to receive mercy. We deserve judgement, but we receive grace and mercy instead. Our reaction to this state of affairs must be one of praise and thanksgiving. We must bear witness to all that God through Jesus has done for us.

            Let us, therefore, walk in the marvelous light Jesus has given us to walk in. We should be praising Jesus continually with all manner of speech and singing. The world which has turned its back on God must be informed of what they are missing by excluding God from their lives. A Christian must show the love of God toward all peoples. Especially those who are living at the margins of society. We must do as Jesus did while he walked this earth seeking and loving the lost. We should be actively working to shed the Light of our Savior to our hurting and fearful world.

            Let us turn our hearts to God in prayer.


            Lord God Almighty, hear our petition to you today. We ask you to deliver us from the darkness that rules this present age. Bring us into your marvelous light. Help us to teach the nations of your glory. May all peoples see in those who call themselves Christian the image of your Son, Jesus. Lord, we thank you for calling us out of the world to be special people in your sight. O God, protect and preserve us by your power. May all glory and praise be given to you. May we dwell continually in your marvelous light. Amen. 


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