
Scripture: 7:14 (NIV)

Therefore, the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel.


            The verse above is a promise of the coming Christ child. Because there is no other child in Old Testament history that this verse can point to. We can conclude that Isaiah was gifted with a vision of Jesus centuries into his future. We are left to marvel at Isaiah’s words. While the thought of a virgin birth raises many doubts in the modern mind. With our eyes of faith, we can see clearly that this miracle happened just as it is written about in the gospel texts. Yet another prophesy about Jesus that is fulfilled.

            God worked miracles in Jesus' life even before he was born. His birth in Bethlehem rather than Nazareth, and most astounding for us today is the virgin birth. Very few aspects of Jesus’ life have provoked more debate. Those who write commentaries either dismiss it or applaud it. We the faithful believers accept it by faith and are blessed by it. Indeed, we see it as a fitting beginning for the one who is called, “the son of God.” The virgin birth makes his coming miraculous. His death, resurrection, and ascension make the end of his earthly life awe inspiring.

            All the news about this person, Jesus, is good news. As we ponder his coming as a helpless infant 2,000 years ago in a stable in Bethlehem, we are struck by the wonder of it all. God of all the universe become a tiny baby. For the time being completely dependent on Mary to feed and care for his bodily needs. No wonder the hymn writer declares “What child is this?” And a more recent hymn writer to ask, “Mary did you know?”

            As the years of Jesus life turned into decades this question would be answered. The child was the Messiah. Mary would come to know this tiny baby as the resurrected Lord of all the universe. But in these tender moments in a stable with all the animals in attendance for the birth of Jesus the future of the child could not be clear at all. Mary, however, held on to the promise of the angel who announced to her that she would have a son. Mary and Joseph believed what God would do with this child.

            What is our response to the Christ child today? Although, the vast majority of Americans celebrate this season. Not out of any awareness of what really took place in that stable with the birth of Jesus, but simply because it is a national holiday (since 1870), and it has become tradition to exchange gifts with one another. While there is nothing wrong with that. The true meaning of Christmas gets lost in the busyness and commercialization of Christmas. Let us pray then that we will celebrate the true meaning of Christmas this year.


            Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of Jesus whose birth we celebrate at this time of the year. Help us be a witness to your faithful love in keeping your promise spoken by Isaiah so long ago. Grant us the ability to show forth the true meaning of the season in all that we do during this time. Keep us from sinking into the culture's sickness but help us walk on the firm ground of your word and spirit. Amen.


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