I am the Light of the World

Scripture: John 8.12 (ESV)

12 Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.


            Today we turn to the words of Jesus in the gospel of John. This is one of the “I AM” statements that John records in his gospel. This particular statement must be important for John places these exact words on Jesus lips twice more in his gospel. (John 9:5, 12:46) Likewise, it is important to note that this statement was originally said during the feast of tabernacles. At this feast lighting of candles and torches lit up all of Jerusalem at night. Light played an integral part in this celebration. So, Jesus' announcement that he was the light of the world would have made quite an impression in the minds of his first hearers.

            What do Jesus’ words mean for us today? They are an invitation to see the Christ child that we celebrate during this season of advent as the answer to the darkness and coldness of our world both literally and figuratively. Jesus’ life is an example for us to follow. We can know that in following our Lord we will not stumble or fall to the darkness that surrounds us in the wider culture. We know that light always overcomes darkness. Whether it is the physical darkness of night or the moral darkness of this present age.

            We need not be afraid of the moral darkness that lays heavy upon our world in this age. Jesus has overcome the world. There is nothing that can separate us from the love we have in Jesus. No matter how much the present age tries to shame or cancel us for our faith in our Lord and Savior we know that He will ultimately triumph over all His enemies. If we follow Jesus closely, we will be able to walk in the light of His life.

            We know that even if we take our eyes off Jesus, stumble, and fall. Jesus will help us get back on our feet to begin following Him again. Jesus is a light for everyone who loves Him. He will never leave us to flounder helplessly in our culture’s darkness. In this post-Christian age, there will be great darkness and evil all around us. We must seek to be a disciple that reflects the light of our Master to the lost and lonely world around us. Even though the dark around us may be very thick we can rejoice in Jesus light that keeps us safe from the evils that lurk in the darkness.


            God, in heaven, thank you for sending your son Jesus into this dark and dreary world. In Him we can walk in these dark times without fear. We can see your greatness by the light Jesus shines into our lives. Help us to walk fearlessly in the night around us. Help us to proclaim in word and deed the love that you have for all people. Lord God help us to keep our eyes on Jesus in this new dark age that we may follow Him wherever he leads us. Amen.  


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