Ask, Seek, Knock

Scripture: Matthew 7:7-8 (NIV)

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.


            This scripture contains a wonderful promise. The surrounding verses indicate that these statements are all concerning prayer. We are often very skeptical about prayer as we have all had fervent prayer apparently answered by silence from heaven. So, we wonder whether those who ask, knock, and seek will truly receive, find, or have a door opened for them. We try all kinds of justification for the seeming lack of answers to our prayers from heaven.

Jesus, who is speaking here is unequivocal. The verbs are all imperative meaning they are a command. The promises are all unconditional, meaning no preconditions apply. Since the word of Jesus is truth, how can we understand these promises in light of our experience?

If we are honest, we must say this remains a mystery to us. However, we must be reassured that our prayers never go unanswered. God, our loving Father, always hears our prayers and gives the answer that He in his wisdom and mercy sees is best for us. In this season of waiting, it is difficult for us to wait on God’s answer. We, in our modern culture of instant feedback, find that God is often too slow in answering us for our tastes. However, I have personally observed that God answers us not according to our timetables but according to our need. God will not be hurried in his answering prayer.

This season we call advent should train us impatient disciples in the art of waiting. In a society of microwave meals and on demand entertainment, waiting is foreign to our modern sensibilities. We grow impatient if our computers take more than a few seconds to respond to our commands. Waiting weeks for the Christmas celebrations seems like an eternity. How can we wait when we need Jesus right now? One thing we can know for sure is that Jesus will come right on time. He always does.

God moves in ways that are mysterious to us. Our ways are not His ways. One thing we can know for sure is that God always hears our prayers and answers us. Not according to our whims and wishes but according to our needs. So, we need to do what we are commanded to do in this passage from scripture. Keep on asking, seeking, and knocking and God will answer us in his mercy. Let us pray right now for the answer to our prayers.


            Father in heaven you are a mighty and merciful God. You sent your son 2,000 years ago to be our Savior and Lord. You have provided all we need to receive eternal life with you in heaven. This gift is more than we sinful humans could ever ask for. Forgive us for counting you too slow to answer our petitions. May we seek to learn patience and persistence in our prayer life. Knowing that you will always answer us in due time. Amen. 


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