Light and Dark

Scripture: John 3:19-21 (NIV)

19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. 20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. 21 But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.


            Today, we continue our meditations on the contrast between spiritual light and dark with these words from John’s gospel. These words are spoken by Jesus to Nicodemus and are the final words recorded in their meeting early in Jesus’ ministry. Jesus here declares his judgement about the majority of people. A serious judgement as Jesus sees many people are content to live in the darkness of their own sin.

            Jesus holds out a clear alternative to living in this darkness. People can choose to come into his light and live for him. Just as the choice was clear for people in Jesus’s day, so it is for us today. We are always choosing to live in the light or to hide in the darkness. We know that to live in the light of Jesus’ truth is far better, yet we still believe we will be safer in the darkness of Satan’s lies and deceit. We claim to follow Jesus, but when the times get tough, we bail and leave Jesus holding the cross alone.

            To live in Christ’s light, we must choose Jesus every day. Perhaps many times in a single day. This world is full of dark places we could choose to hide. We must reject them and choose to live, not by lies, but by the truth of Jesus found in the Bible and declared to us by the Holy Spirit. We know that most of our fellow travelers on the way of life will not chose to walk in the light, however we must reach out to them, offering them the way of truth and life in Christ Jesus.

            We need to be praying people. If we want to live life in the light, we must talk to Jesus many times a day. We must not do all the talking but we must listen to what God has to say to us through his word. Jesus wishes to communicate with us. He wants to share his truth with us. If we are going to be true disciples of our master, we must listen to discern his will and ask for the power to carry out what we are taught to do. Let us pray right now for God’s help to walk in truth.


            Blessed Lord Jesus, hear our prayer today. We confess that we have too often chosen to walk in the darkness instead of your light. Forgive us for straying from your way. Help us to love your truth that we may always choose to walk according to your word. Guide us as we seek to be a witness in your world every day. We give you thanks for loving us so much. You are not willing to abandon us but keep us by your power. Amen.


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