Be Patient

Scripture: Isaiah 42:1-4 (ESV)

Behold my servant, whom I uphold,

my chosen, in whom my soul delights;

       I have put my Spirit upon him;

he will bring forth justice to the nations.

      He will not cry aloud or lift up his voice,

or make it heard in the street;

      a bruised reed he will not break,

and a faintly burning wick he will not quench;

he will faithfully bring forth justice.

      He will not grow faint or be discouraged

till he has established justice in the earth;

and the coastlands wait for his law.



            We come to today’s scripture during this time of advent as a people who grow impatient with waiting. We do not understand why we have to wait so long for Jesus to return to bring an end to the suffering and injustice we see all around us. There are those who cry in the streets for justice, but Jesus is not in the streets. We do not understand God’s ways, however if we want to live and those who follow Jesus we must learn to wait patiently for his return.

            No matter how faintly our faith may be burning Jesus is there for us. He, unlike us, never grows weary of helping his children. The justice he promises he will deliver in his own time. It will be perfect justice not like the partial justice our human systems of justice deliver today. Jesus came so long ago to begin his reign over all the earth. He will show us how to be just and fair in all we do if we will let him guide us. Jesus longs for justice and righteousness to reign on the earth. But he is patient, unlike us, to see the full number of those who will be saved enter into his kingdom.

            Jesus comes to us by the Spirit during this advent season. If we receive him, he will deliver us from our impatience and anxiety. No matter what condition we are in he will love us and deliver us. We pray, in the prayer the Lord taught us, “your kingdom come” and the kingdom will come when we are filled with faith in him. Our hope is not in vain. Jesus did not come into the world, die, and be raised to life for nothing. We must be patient and wait for the blessed hope of the second coming of our Lord.

            Let us be open to his coming during this advent season. May we be delivered from our anxiety and worry over the state of our lives and the state of the world by the knowledge that Christ comes to us anew in this season. We can be assured that he cares for us and desires to bring us into his kingdom. Let us never give up hope. Jesus will return. We will live forever in his kingdom here on earth.


            Lord, hear our prayer today. We ask you to be present with us by the Holy Spirit. Help us live faithfully as we await your return. Encourage us with the words from the prophets that describe what you are like. Let us be forever hopeful of your steadfast love and kindness toward the human race which you created in your image. We worship you and give you thanks for we know that you care for us. Amen. 


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