The Debt of Love


Scripture: Romans 13:8 (NIV)

Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law.


            Today’s world is awash in debt. From the trillions owed by our federal government to millions owed by consumers on credit cards and student loans, we have become a nation of debtors. It seems that to be in debt is the new thing to do. If you go too far into debt one can, always seek out bankruptcy protection and wipe it all away.

            Jesus does not forbid lending and borrowing. In Matthew 5:42 we read “42 give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you.” Jesus only instruction for regarding what to do if one fell into debt was to pay it off as soon as possible. Worldly debt is a tool to be used wisely and skillfully to make life more enjoyable. As Paul warns in this scripture never let debt be your master, only your servant.

            There is one debt, however, that we are to be continually owing. That is the debt of love we owe to people. This one debt we can never pay off. Jesus made it clear in the gospels that we are to give up even our very lives to pay the debt we owe one another. So, Paul, following his Lord’s teaching, instructs the Romans to constantly seek ways of fulfilling their debt of love with one another.

            The debt of love is unlike monetary debt in two ways. First, it is such a large debt that it can never be paid fully in this lifetime, or a hundred lifetimes is one were granted the privilege. In fact, the more love we pay the more we owe. God expects us to love increasingly as our life goes on. The more we love the more we are capable of loving therefore the amount of love we owe is an ever-increasing sum.

            The other way that the debt of love is unlike human debt is that it is always due and payable. Unlike your rent, mortgage, car, or credit card bills, love has no due date. It always needs to be satisfied and yet can never be paid in full. Our debt of love to others then is always growing more and more and is always due. We are called to be lovers of others no matter how much love they need and no matter when they need it.

            Finally, Paul notes that when we pay the debt of love, we have fulfilled the law. The law Paul had in mind here was the Torah. The New Testament scriptures had not yet been written when Paul was writing. Leviticus 18:19 states “18 You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against the sons of your own people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the Lord." Jesus would later echo these words when he restated the Old Testament commands as the most important of all. Therefore, paying this debt of love is of primary importance to the Christian who seeks to live an authentic Christian life.


            Lord of love fill us today from your endless supply of love that we may truly love our neighbor as ourselves. Help us to be diligent to repay love and kindness to one another. Forgiving one another's faults and seeking to living a life of love before the face of God. Amen.


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