Living A Godly Life
Ephesians 4:17-24 (NLT)
17 With the Lord’s
authority I say this: Live no longer as the Gentiles do, for they are
hopelessly confused. 18 Their minds are full of darkness; they
wander far from the life God gives because they have closed their minds and
hardened their hearts against him. 19 They have no sense of
shame. They live for lustful pleasure and eagerly practice every kind of
20 But that isn’t
what you learned about Christ. 21 Since you have heard about
Jesus and have learned the truth that comes from him, 22 throw
off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by
lust and deception. 23 Instead, let the Spirit renew your
thoughts and attitudes. 24 Put on your new nature, created to
be like God—truly righteous and holy.
This scripture serves as a warning
and instruction on how not to live as members of the body of Christ; and in the
last four verses it is instruction on how to live as brothers and sisters in
Christ. These words were originally addressed to a church living in a pagan city
that was very much opposed to the message of Jesus. Today, in America our
culture is fast approaching that of ancient Ephesus in its morality and piety.
We as Christians must live differently than our surrounding culture.
The scripture passage begins with a
recital of the immorality of the culture in verses seventeen through nineteen.
These verses could well be written about our culture today. Cultures that have
known and rejected God all seem to fall into the same vices. The confusion of
our modern culture is quite clear to any Christian who takes seriously their faith.
In our culture there is no clarity about right and wrong. People are confused
about every aspect of their lives. Even the art produced by our culture
proclaims this lack of clear thinking. The culture has as the scripture says
hardened their hearts against God. Not only are they confused in their thinking,
but they have come to like it that way.
Opposed to this is the life we
learned about Christ in the pages of the Bible. A Christian is called to no longer
be confused in his or her mind. We are called to study the way of Christ found
in the scriptures and be informed of the right way to live in the world.
Rejecting all the flaws of the world and clinging to the way of love taught by
Jesus. Instead of hardened hearts we are to have an open heart and mind to
learn and follow the ways of God. Our attitudes are to be changed to reflect
the new life we have when we first believed in Christ. Gone are our lusts and lies
replaced by passion and truth in Jesus Christ our Lord. Let us ask for God to
keep us safe in Christ:
Lord, hear our prayer today. Keep us
from the ways of the world by the renewal of our minds in Christ Jesus. Help us
live our lives in a way that brings glory and honor to our one true Lord. Keep
us in your care O God. Make us walk in the ways and teachings of the faith.
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